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| time skip 4 years |
| Craig |

This was it. The day of our college graduation. I stared in the mirror and adjusted my clothing when a pair of arms wrapped around me. He rested his head on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Do you think we're ready?" I asked.
"Ready as we'll ever be." He replied with a sad smile on his face.

| Tweek |

My name was called and I walked up to the podium to receive my diploma. I looked out into the crowd, Craig caught my eye. He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him. We weren't seated next to each other because we had different majors. I wonder where our lives would go after this. Sure, we've talked about it, but there was no clear plan. I didn't want to lose Craig, ever. After the ceremony was over I scanned the area for Craig. I ran up to him and tackled him in a hug. After a few seconds he pulled away but still held my hands.

"Tweek, I've been thinking and we need to talk."

Here it comes, the part where he says he need to break up and move on with our lives and how we aren't children anymore. I've prepared myself for this moment, it's gonna hurt like hell and I probably won't recover from it but Craig deserves a life. He deserves things I'll never be able give him, I want Craig to be happy and if this is what it takes it's worth it.

"Would you rather stay in South Park or maybe move more south? I know you sunburn easily but maybe you'll get used to it."

I embraced him in another hug, I was incredibly relieved. I'll admit, I cried a little and I'm pretty sure Craig did too. It's crazy to think all of this was a chain reaction. From signing with my phone number in 4th grade, to Craig deciding one day to call it, us ending up not only in the same college but as roommates, and dating for four years going strong. What are the odds? Pretty unrealistic if you ask me. But hey, fate is fate, let the universe run its course.

The end.


Thank you all for the support on this story, sneak peak of my next one next chapter. (pls read and lmk if I should change anything)

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