Goin' Down to South Park

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| craig |
- Wednesday morning -
As I stirred awake I took notice to warm breath on my chest and my arms around something. It took me a minute to realize I was cuddling with Tweek. It took me another minute to realize why I was cuddling with Tweek. He looked pretty comfortable so I just stayed put for about another hour. Finally, Tweek started to wake up.

"GAH-" he tried to pull away but I held him there with my arms.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Why are you in my bed? How long have you been waiting for me to wake up?"

"Correction. Why are you in my bed? And I've only been awake a couple minutes." I lied.

His eye bags were significantly lighter, I guess he had slept well. We didn't have any classes today so I wasn't sure how I was going to spend my day.

"How would you feel about driving down to South Park?" I asked, still trapping Tweek in my arms. He snuggled into my chest, I guess he accepted his fate. It should've been an awkward situation, but it wasn't.

"What about classes?" He asked, though the sound was muffled by my chest.

"Schools out today." I didn't bother to figure out why.

We both agreed so I reached out to the group chat which I had added Tweek to earlier. We decided to have a picnic at Starks Pond and maybe go swimming, it was pretty warm this time of year so the pond shouldn't be too cold.
In about a half hour we organized the whole trip and were to meet in the lobby in 15 minutes. I quickly dressed into a black t-shirt and blue swim trunks, while Tweek wore green trunks and a white shirt. We grabbed a few snacks and headed to the lobby.
We were a few minutes early but still managed to be the last ones there. We decided it would be easiest to take the same car. The bags were loaded into the trunk and we filed in. Since I was the most careful on the road, I was voted to drive. I sat behind the wheel with Tweek next to me in the passengers seat. In the middle row sat Stan, Kyle and Tolkien, and in the back was Bebe and Clyde.
It was only a 30 minute drive or so, it went by pretty quickly. We picked up KFC on the way which added about 10 minutes. Tolkien had the aux and played rap music I've only ever heard at parties. Stan and Kyle were really touchy, strange. I planned to ask about that later. I looked over to Tweek who was bouncing his leg, I wonder what he was worried about. Without looking away from the road, I put my hand on his thigh in an effort to make him stop. He tried to look out the window so I wouldn't see his bright red face, but I did.
| Tweek |
Once we arrived I volunteered to help carry things out to the dock where we planned to set up. Partly because I wanted to be liked by everyone, and partly because I wanted Craig to think I was strong. It was around lunch time so we all ate first. The dock was kinda of narrow so we were sort of on top of each other, to my left was Stan and to my right was Craig. I looked over to Stan and Kyle, I wondered if they remember me. They were really touchy, like way too touchy for best friends. I was pretty close to Craig already so I didn't even need to lean in to whisper in his ear.

"Are they dating?"


"Stan and Kyle, I remember them being best friends and all but they're kinda touchy."

"You woke up in my arms this morning, we're not dating."

"We could be." I said under my breath

"What was that?"

| Craig |

I heard what he said, I just wasn't sure how to respond. I guess I did like Tweek, it wouldn't be a problem dating him. I've had boyfriends before, and they were no secret.
Kyle was the first go in the pond. Stan picked him up bridal style. I took note of this I could use it on Tweek.

"Stan no. I'm serious stop. This isn't funny I'll kill you!"

Against Kyle's protest, he tossed him in. Then cannon balled and swam over to him.

"I hate you."
"You love me."

Maybe they were dating...
The water was surprisingly deep, I could stand but Tweek couldn't. Although it was funny watching him trying to tread water and hold a conversation with Bebe at the same time, I felt bad. I swam under his legs and stood up so that he was on my shoulders, I held a firm grip on his thighs do he knew he wouldn't fall.

"Craig! What are you doing?"
"What's wrong?"
"I didn't ask to be picked up!"
"You didn't have to."

After a few hours we loaded up our things and got back in the car. This time, Stan drove with Kyle next to him while Tweek and I sat in the middle row. As I was staring out the window I felt a sudden weight on my shoulder. I looked over to find Tweek sleeping. What was with this guy and sleeping on me? I rested my head on top his and slept until we were woken up to Tolkien shaking me awake. I bet that will be on everyone's instagram. I felt my face heat up, as did Tweek's. Did he like me back?

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