short part 😊

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At around 1pm the next day, we decided we couldn't lay around anymore. Craig got up and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I got up and put my green t-shirt back on. I'm not really sure when I took it off but it was currently on the floor, I guess I got hot. I met Craig in the bathroom and held out my toothbrush, he put a little dollop of toothpaste on it and we started brushing. Whenever we brushed our teeth it was a competition to see who brushed the longest. This one went on for about 5 minutes until Craig stepped down. I giggled in triumph and Craig elbowed me in the ribs.

"Oh shut up, that's the first time you've won." He said while putting product in his hair.

"Dude what even is that." I asked

"This? It's oil for your hair, makes it look shiny. Sit up here." He motioned for me to jump up in the counter top, I did as he said. He took a comb and ran it through my hair. My hair was usually tangled, I didn't really take care of it. He sprayed detangler in it so it would be easier to get through, it was like magic.

"Where have you been all of my life?"
"Right under your nose." As he said that he booped my nose. It really was crazy to think about, what are the odds we were roommates? I sorta remember Craig from elementary, he was quiet and didn't have too many friends. I was so lost in thought I didn't even realize how far Craig had gone with my "makeover". He parted my hair down the middle and was straightening the ends so they curled up a little.

"Dude!" I yelled.


"What if my hair burns off? Or worse, what if it catches on fire?"

"Relax babe it's not going to, I know what I'm doing." I blushed at the pet name. I was freaking out on the inside, but I trusted Craig not to fry my hair. Once he was finished he put his arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around his waist. I kissed his forehead and he helped me down from the counter.
I looked in the mirror, my hair did look pretty good. I walked over to the closet and picked out an outfit. I chose a green sweater and grey sweatpants, we didn't have plans for the day so I didn't need to dress nicely. Craig was wearing the sweatshirt he stole from me on the day we met. Well, the day we formally met. I walked up to him and tackled him in a hug. He stumbled backwards a bit before asking...

"Woah. What's this about?"
"I'm really glad we met Craig."
"Yeah... yeah me too."

I stood there for a little longer before sitting down at my desk and working on my assignment which was due tomorrow. Craig did the same though we got distracted by each other every few minutes. It was hard not to, I wanted life to be like this forever.

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