spidy 🕷️ (short)

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| Tweek |
"pst Tweek."
At 4:30 in the morning I was awoken to the harsh whisper of Craig. I opened my eyes to see Craig all my face, kneeling by my bed. He seemed to have sobered up a bit, he threw up about an hour ago. I guess that got it out of his system.

"Tweek there's a spider in my bed can you kill it?"
"What? No I don't like bugs."
"We'll I don't either. Come on be a man."
"You're a man too ya know."
"Please, I'm not leaving until you do."

I scooted over towards the wall a bit and patted the open spot next to me. He seemed to not remember what had happened when he came back to the dorm.

"Guess you're sleeping here then."

He hesitated for a moment but then layed next to me. It was a bit crowded in my little twin bed, but we made it work. My back was turned towards him so I couldn't tell if he was sleeping or not. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, that answered my question. I wasn't sure whether to make a move or not, It took me a few minutes to muster up the courage but I eventually did it. I rolled over so we we're facing each other, he tightened his grip on my waist so I snuggled into his chest a bit. He smelled good, slightly like alcohol but still good.

| Craig |
There wasn't a spider in my bed. I just wanted an excuse to be with Tweek. As we were drifting to sleep, I suddenly remembered what I had did just hours before. I played the moment back in my head. All I could remember was me pinning him to the wall, did I go any farther? I couldn't remember.

"About earlier...  I'm sorry."
"Oh it's alright, it was just a kiss."
"A kiss?"
"Yeah don't you remember?"
"Not really, I guess I was too drunk. I'm really sorry."

He put his hand on my chin and guided it downward so we were making eye contact. He planted a kiss on my lips. Woah.

"Now we're even." He said.

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