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| tweek |
It was the morning I left for college and I was freaking out. Although I had been completely packed for about a week I still felt like I would forget something. I downed my morning cup of coffee and went upstairs to get changed. I wanted to wear something comfortable but still have a good first impression on my roommate. I didn't want them to hate me at first sight. Something casual but not sloppy, not saying I cared too much but also not saying I didn't care enough. I chose grey sweatpants that were loose at the ankles and a pastel green t-shirt. Then, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I stared in the mirror I took notice to the bags under my eyes. Had they always been there? I'm about 5'8 with a decently muscular build because I'd been wrestling since I was a kid, though I stopped after high school. Back when I was in elementary school I was involved in fights here and there with random kids over silly things. I rinsed out my mouth and went downstairs. The car ride wasn't too long, but long enough for my to stress the whole way there. I fidgeted with the lock on the window pressing it down and then pulling it back up again. Finally we arrived.

| craig |

I stepped out of the car and assured my
mom I would be just fine on my own, we couldn't have our cars freshman year so she had to drive it back home. My dad didn't care enough to come and Tricia was too upset. I walked up to the registration table and told them my last name. They handed me a set of keys and gave me my dorm number. Freshman Hall #101. I asked who my roommate was, it was originally supposed to be Jimmy but he decided to go to college in the east. Since it was such a late notice switch, it wasn't printed on the sheet. I would just have to wait and see.

After a slight bit of struggle I managed to find my dorm. I hoped to beat my roommate there so I could pick my side of the room, early bird gets the worm am I right? To my disappointment it was too late in the day and they had already arrived. They claimed the left side of the room so I took the right. It was a pretty plain room. It had white walls with a window between the two beds which were located on both sides of the room. On the inner side of each bed was a nightstand and at the foot of each bed were desk with shelves above them. On the wall closest to me was a decent sized closet with one rack and a few drawers. My roommate had already hung up his sweaters on hangers and claimed three of the six drawers in the closet. I guess I should have brought hangers. I was exhausted since I haven't slept well in the past few days, I was too busy stressing about college. It was only Friday, so I had the entire weekend to fix my sleep schedule. Even though it was only 4:30 I passed out and didn't wake up until morning. 

| morning |

Again, I woke up to an empty room. I wonder if my roommate had dropped out already? Maybe the pressure really got to them. But no, all of their belongings were still there, their comforter was sloppily laid out in an effort to make the bed so I assumed they slept in here. I wasn't used to sharing a room so all of this was weird. I looked at my surroundings and took notice to the fact that my roommate had decorated a little bit. I spent my morning hanging up my NASA posters and neatly folding my clothes and organizing them in drawers according to color and type of clothing. Sweatshirts and t-shirts went in the top drawer, pants in the middle, and socks and stuff in the bottom. When I was finished I checked my email on my computer. I had an unread email from the school it said :

Freshmen, please come to the registration table to pick up your schedules by the end of today. Thank you.

I bet that's where my roommate was. I was pretty hungry anyways so I planned on taking a pit stop to pick up my schedule on the way to the cafeteria. 
As I was walking up the lady at the table, to my surprise, I saw the one and only, Tweek Tweak.

No. Freaking. Way.

Luckily, he didn't know it was me so I didn't have to avoid eye contact or anything. I picked up my schedule and headed to the cafeteria, I didn't see Tweek after that.

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