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| Monday morning |
| Craig |

It's already Monday morning and I still have no idea who my roommate is, can you believe it? I pretty much slept through Saturday and spent Sunday running a few errands before classes begun.

When I woke up my roommates bed was empty and sloppily made. My first class was from 10-12 so I assumed theirs had started before then. It was 8:30 so I decided to start getting ready. It took me 25 minutes to decide what to wear, my clothes sucked. Against my better judgement I peeked into their dresser drawers and pulled out a dark green crew neck. It was really comfy. They wouldn't notice, right? I quickly put it on and continued to get ready. At 9:20 I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast and arrived to my lecture a little early. I wanted to set a good first impression on my professor.

I wasn't used to listening to someone talk for two hours straight. I figured it wouldn't be so bad because personally, I could talk about space for hours. Although that may be the the case, this first class was excruciatingly boring. All we did was read over the syllabuses and label stuff with a small bit of teaching towards the end. As soon as we were dismissed I pretty much booked it, I didn't know how much longer I could've lasted in there.

When I got back to my dorm a finally saw my roommate, this moment was long overdue. I opened the door expecting it to be empty. Instead, there was a blonde boy sitting criss-cross on his bed, sipping coffee while doing homework on his computer. Wait. That wasn't just any blonde boy. It was Tweek. No way, absolutely not.
He looked up at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is that my sweatshirt?"

I looked down, oops.

"Oh uh, yeah it is sorry."

"It's fine, keep it, it's too long on me. It looks better on you anyways."

I thanked him and sat on my bed. Should I tell him I'm his phone boy? Would that mess things up? I decided not to for the time being. The confession would come with time. I didn't want to start off on a bad note.

| Tweek |

Finally, my roommate and I had crossed paths. I was starting to think he was avoiding me on purpose. I don't think I ever got his name or have him mine. I'll ask later. It was about 6:00pm and I was starting to get a little hungry. I was planning on going down to get dinner soon but kept putting it off. My roommate stands up and grabs his dorm keys, I wonder where he's going?

"I'm gonna go grab a bite, want anything Tweek?"

We never exchanged names, how did he know? Was he stalking me? Oh God.

"How'd you know my name. I never told you- AH"

"Oh uh- it was... on the sheet at the registration table. My names Craig by the way."

"Okay uh- nice to meet you. I'll just come with you."

We walked in silence to the cafeteria, got our food, and reported back to our dorms. On the way back we had a little small talk about our majors. I told him I was going to major in business, and minor in art. My parents wanted me to take over the business after college, maybe make it a franchise. But really, I just wanted to settle down a paint, possibly sell it one day. Who knows?


I've been thinking about that Stalker boy. I felt bad for hanging up on him. I wasn't mad or anything, just sometimes I loose control of my emotions. I decided I was going to apologize, I got Craig's approval to make a quick phone call and found his number from my recents. As soon as I called him Craig's phone began to vibrate across the room. What are the odds right? He quickly picked it up and answered, just as "Stalker boy" answered. I hung up, so did his call. I was going to be slick about this, not freak out.

"YOU'RE STALKER BOY?" Too late. I'm freaking out.

"Stalker boy?"


"Oh uh yeah I guess."


"I didn't think it was relevant."

He started to laugh. WHY WAS HE LAUGHING

"WHAT" I jumped up and walked to his bed, where he was sitting.

"Sorry, it's just funny how much you freak out over little things."


"Stalker boy? That's what you've been calling me?" He put his hand on top me mine and lowered it away from his face.


He stood up and stared at me for a few seconds. Our faces were really close, what's he doing?

| Craig |
I looked at him for a minute, he was about 3 inches shorter than me so I had to look down a little. I took notice to the features I couldn't see from afar. The bags under his eyes and the freckles that spread along his nose and cheeks. His cheeks were really red, I guess it was a little warm in here.

"How bout' some coffee?"

"What?" Tweek was frantically looking around, obviously still freaking out. I reached over his shoulder causing our bodies to press against each other. I picked up his coffee cup he made before dinner and handed it to him.

"Drink up" According to my research, his parents laced his coffee with meth. I figured this would calm him down for the time being. His face was bright red. Out of habit I pressed the back of my hand on his forehead. I was used to doing this for Tricia. He was pretty warm.

"You're warm, are you sick?" I asked moving my hand to his neck, which was warm as well.

"Um I don't think s-"

"You're burning up by the second, I could tell by just looking at you. You're face is like a tomato. You better get to bed" He nodded and did as I said. He had already brushed his teeth and changed into pajamas so he was all set.

| Tweek |
I found it kind of cute that he ordered me to bed like that. I didn't have a fever, I was just blushing like crazy. He can't pull that on me, I already told him I shoot for the same team, but I'm pretty sure he's into girls. It took him about 30 minutes to get completely ready for bed, he had a 10 step hair care routine. Pretty impressive, I didn't even brush my hair most days. I dozed off for a few minutes and when I woke back up he was hovering over me with his hand of my forehead again. He was wearing blue flannel pajamas pants with no shirt on. Why was he so worried about me? Maybe he's a mom friend.

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