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| Craig |
- Friday afternoon -
It was around 1pm and my classes were finished for the day, Tweek should be back in about an hour. For the time being, I was alone. I haven't had much alone time the past few days, I've spent a lot of time with Tweek. Inside and outside of our dorm. He was nice company, while sometimes he was a complete spaz, other times he was totally chill. I've been thinking about all the little things I like about him. His raspy voice, his nose and the little trail of freckles that spread from it to his cheeks. I love to brush his tangled hair at night because I was stressed about it falling out, I love how physical he his, I usually don't like physical touch but he's different. The list goes on, in conclusion,
I love Tweek.

When Tweek got back, I planned to invite him to the party tonight. I really wanted him to come, maybe I could make a move. It works out perfectly, if he likes me back all is well, if I get rejected I blame it on the beer. I'm not a very good liar but I think I'll be okay.
I invented this new setup which I put my laptop on Tweek's bed and lay on mine. This way when I adjust my position it doesn't fall, I wasn't really used to having a twin bed yet. About 10 minutes into the movie Tweek arrived, he looked exhausted. He dropped his things, (very dramatically) picked up my laptop and flopped into bed on his back. He place the laptop on his lap and starting watching my movie.
"Hey dude I was watching that."
Without saying anything, he scooted over a little and patted the open space next to him. I sighed, walked over to his bed and sat next to him, it was a little tight but I liked it that way. Tweek's eyes were fluttering open and shut, I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and leaned my head on his. In no time, we were both sleeping.
I was woken up to really loud laughing, like cackling. I awoke to see Stan, Kyle, Tolkien, Clyde, and Bebe all sprawled out in my dorm.

"Aw looks guys the lovebirds are awake." Bebe said

"How'd you sleep Craigy Poo?" Stan said

"Guys shh little Tweeky is still sleeping." Clyde said in a sarcastic tone.

"What's going on a said, how'd you get in?" I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Key under the mat trick genius." Kyle said

"Party time, party time." said Tolkien in a sing-songy voice.

"Okay just let me tell Tweek. All of you, out."

I shook Tweek's shoulder but he wouldn't wake up, he was really out cold. I licked my thumb and used it to clean the little bit of drool dripping from his lips. They were really soft, I wonder if I just- no. I couldn't he's asleep. I quickly shook him awake a little more aggressively before I let myself do anything more.

"Tweek there's this party tonight, wanna come with me?"

"Oh I don't know Craig, I'm really tired. And I'm not big on parties, or people really." His bed voice was so cute.

"Okay, I'll try to be quiet coming in, get some rest Tweekster." The nicknames just kept coming, I couldn't stop it.

I met the rest of the group and we started walking towards the lobby. The party was in a college house down the street, Kyle was in an advanced class with the Junior who was hosting. I doubted there would be many freshmen there.
When we arrived Stan, Kyle, and Clyde immediately went towards the drinks table. Tolkien, Bebe, and I stayed back. I wish Tweek were here.
After a few minutes of small talk we all got really thirsty. At the drink table, Stan and Clyde were having a drinking competition while Kyle was cheering them on. I watched for a few minutes, Stan has always been a big drinker so I was sure he'd win. Tolkien handed Bebe and I red solos cups filled with what I assumed was beer. I thanked him and took a sip. Beer's gross. I think everyone just pretends to like it. Though I still drank the whole cup, and then another, and then another, after that I lost track. I was wasted, we all were, except Kyle, who only drank like 2 cups. Stan was out cold so Kyle carried him back, I guess he won the drinking competition. Bebe, Clyde, Tolkien, and I all were stumbling along the streets. Clyde was crying about something but I couldn't made out what he was saying because he was slurring his words like crazy. Bebe was laughing to herself about something while Tolkien was cursing under his breath. I was so tired I didn't even say anything, I just focused on waking straight.
| Tweek |
It was around 1:30am when Craig slammed the door shut and tried to stumble to his bed. I quickly got up and looked him over, he was obviously wasted.

"Craig, you're drunk."
"What? nah. I don't drink."
" Here drink some water." I handed him a water bottle from the mini fridge. He chugged it and dropped it on the ground.
"Ya know Tweek..." He cupped my face with his hand and rubbed his thumb along my bottom lip.
"You're like, gorgeous. Has anyone told you that before?" I shook my head no. He pushed by shoulders and pinned me up against the wall.
"Craig, what are you doing?" I wanted him to keep going, but I couldn't let him. He's drunk and vulnerable, what if this isn't what he really wants.
"Craig stop. You're drunk, you don't want to do this."
"Oh but I do." He smirked and leaned in. I didn't know what to do. He was bigger than me, there wasn't much of a way to escape. Against my better judgement, I let it happen. Our lips connected, it took me a second to realize what happened. I pulled away and stared at him for a second.
"I really like you Tweek." He took his hand off my face and walked to his bed. In no time, he was out cold. This will be interesting tomorrow morning.

(add to reading list for notif of next part!)

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