keep em coming

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I know Tweek's hiding something, but I wont force it out of him. He would probably have an anxiety attack or something, and I'm not good at helping him through those. Of course I've gotten better over the years, but I never know how to act when someone's upset. He's stopped with the twitching but you can still slightly tell when he's in high stress mode.

I walked into the apartment and Tweek was sitting at the table with his laptop, his head resting on the keyboard. I sat down next to him and lightly shook his shoulder to wake him up.

"GAH! oh hey Craig."

"What's wrong with you and your dad." His face dropped as he started stuttering for words.

"Nothing." He said with a smile.

"Tweek, I saw the text."

"You went through my phone? Seriously Craig?"

"No, I thought it was mine and I-"

"We talked about this! No snooping, I would have told you about it if it was a big deal."

"I wasn't snooping! I saw it by mistake I didn't even read into detail."

"You went through my shit. Bottom line."

"Won't you hear me out? There's a totally reasonable explanation for all of this. I didn't read anything, I accidentally took your phone to the store and when I tried to pay for the-"

"Craig stop. I don't care how it happened. Just- leave me alone." With that, he grabbed his keys and walked out the door. I don't know where he went, but at the time I was too angry to even care.


| Tweek |

I'm so unbelievably upset right now I don't even know how to handle it. It had been an hour or two since the fight, I honestly didn't want to make amends with Craig at the moment. It's not like it was my fault. He went through my phone. Why am I the one apologizing?
It feels weird though. Craig and I only fight over who gets the remote or what we have for dinner. We usually don't fight, not like this.

I decided that I couldn't sit in my car watching TikTok anymore and that I had to go somewhere.  I definitely didn't want to go home, so I went to the next best place.


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