Sick Day

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| Craig |

I woke up on early Tuesday morning to a text from a group chat titled "South Park". Stan had sent a text asking if anyone was going to the party tonight. I replied telling everyone I didn't plan on going. Who throws a party on a Tuesday night? People were not happy with my response, the group chat blew up telling me "You just have to go man. It'll be great. You'll regret it." I didn't have any classes on Wednesday so it wasn't a bad idea. I decided to go, mainly just to make everyone stop texting me. It was only around 7:30am, Tweek and I didn't have any classes until around noon so he didn't need to be awake any time soon. I wonder if he's feeling better.

I heard a noise from the other side of the room, I looked over to Tweek. He's a cute sleeper I'll admit. It's crazy how he can be so calm while asleep and so, you know, feral while awake. His back was facing my direction until he rolled over so I could see his face. He looked kinda funny, his hand was propping up his face causing it to get all squishy. About an hour later, Tweek began to wake up. Let me tell you, it is not a peaceful process. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it was very concerning. His eyes just pop open and he is immediately filled with tons of energy. He started rambling about something that I couldn't pick up because he was talking way too fast. Earlier, mentioned that his sleeping patterns were a lot worse when he was a kid. He said he would twitch in his sleep but I guess he sorta grew out of it. When I was younger my mom would find me playing with legos at 3am, organizing them by shape and colors. To this day, I've taken melatonin every night.

I thought about asking Tweek to the party, he was from South Park after all. I was sure he'd fit right in. I'd ask later, maybe when he's feeling a little better.

I walked over to Tweek and sat on the edge of his bed. I pushed his shoulders to adjust him from sitting up to laying down and put my index finger over his lips to stop his talking. I put one hand on the back of his head to prop it up and pressed the back of my other hand to his forehead and neck, he was still a little warm.
"Craig really I'm fine. I don't even feel sick at all."

"We'll see about that"

| Tweek |
Craig went into the bathroom and took out a thermometer. ( Which I had brought, he's used to using my things. He packed almost nothing. ) He walked over to me and put it in my mouth.
I wasn't sick. Or at least I didn't think I was, I just blushed every time Craig came near me. He sat on the edge of my bed and started at me, smirking. A few minutes later, the thermometer started beeping, he quickly took it out of my mouth and read it.

"100.1, that's a fever Tweekers."


He didn't say anything, he just winked at me and walked back to his bed. Butterflies. Craig opened his computer and started to type.

"Whats your professors name?"

"Why? Wanna stalk me some more?"

"No. I'm emailing to let them know you won't be in class today."

"What? No I have to go."

"You can't. You're sick."

"But what if I miss something really important, and then I never get a job in the future?"

"Think about this logically. It's your first day of this class, what will you learn that will hold value a year from now?"

He was right. But I wasn't happy about it, I dramatically flopped back down on my bed. I didn't feel well after all. I guess I really was sick. I slept for another 30 minutes, the moment I started to stir awake Craig came over. "Are you hungry? Do you need your laptop? Are you cold? Need a sweater?"

"Why are you so focused on taking care of me?"

"I don't know, you remind me of my little sister."

"You think I resemble a little girl?"

"Not necessarily, my big brother instincts just kicked in."

Okay everything he just said was cute. No. NO. I can't like my roommate. How was I going to deal with this? I can barely handle talking to him. Not to mention his slight flirting.
I spent the rest of the day making up homework and popping a Tylenol every now and then. Craig left for the time being to attend a lecture, he would be back soon. I wasn't that sick, but I did feel a little groggy and my head hurt. I couldn't really look at screens or it would make it worse. Unfortunately, all of my homework was online. I kinda wished Craig was here right now.

| Craig |

When I came back from my lecture Tweek was sitting criss-cross in his bed drawing in his sketchbook. It kind of reminded me of the first time I saw him in here. There was a cup of coffee on his nightstand so I guess he felt well enough to get up and make some.

"Hey Tweeky."

"What's up with the nicknames?"
Disregarding that.

"There's this party tonight, everyone from South Park was gonna go together. But I don't really want to go anyways so I'd happily stay here if you didn't want to be alone while you're sick."

"No I'm totally fine on my o-"

Tweek ran to the bathroom and threw up.

"Yep I'm staying with you."

I spent the night taking care of Tweek. Around dinner time I went to the cafeteria to get him something to eat. While he was eating at his desk. I started taking the sheets off his bed.

"Woahwoahwoah what are you doing?"

" I'm washing your sheets, there's coffee stains all over them."

" Why would you wash sheets."

"You don't?"

He shook his head no.

"You're telling me you've never washed your sheets before, not even your mom has?"

He shook his head no again. This kid was different. I put the sheets in a laundry basket, along with a few other items of clothing and went down to the laundry room. When I was walking back up I saw Stan.

"Dude what are you doing? The party's in an hour."

"Tweek's sick so I'm gonna hang back with him, Ill go to the one this weekend."

"Awe look at Craigy Poo caring for his roommate." He made kissing sounds. I wasn't sure what he was implying so I kept walking.

When I arrived back upstairs Tweek was sleeping in my bed, I guess he got tired. I tried to shake him awake but he was knocked out. I thought about sleeping in his bed but it didn't have any sheets so I did the most logical thing and just slept right next to him.

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