"study buddies"

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| Craig |
"Hey Tweek open your email and let me know if you got this form email." While he was pulling it up, I scrolled through it. It was around 20 questions regarding how college was going so far. Stupid. I stood up and walked over to my desk, Tweek did the same.

After about 10 minutes I finished filling out the form, I looked behind me to check how far along Tweek was, he was on the third question. I walked over to his desk and stood over him.

"Need a hand?"

He twitched. "Yes. I can't decide what to write." I leaned over him so I could type.

"Alright, just talk to me and I'll summarize everything you say."

He started to ramble about his classes and the people he didn't like. Most of what he said didn't apply to the questions so I just put random stuff.
Suddenly, he stopped talking for a second. I looked down at him to find that he was already looking up at me. He turned around in his chair so we were facing each other and dragged me by the collar of me shirt down to his to his eye level.

"How bout' we skip that party tonight?"

"What? Why?"

He answered my question with a kiss. I kissed back, we kept this up for a few minutes before I pulled away.

"Yeah I guess I'd be okay with that."
It was around 9pm when Tweek and I were sitting on the now conjoined beds. Though we couldn't sit in the middle or one of us would fall through so we were more to the left. Tweek's head was on my shoulder and my arm was around him. We were completely ready for bed and planned to get to sleep early. We had been binging family guy for awhile so we were up to that at the moment. When a boring cut scene came up I turned to Tweek.

"I don't know if I've made this clear or not, but I really like you."

"Really? No way! Totally didn't make that clear when we were kissing earlier." My sarcasm was rubbing off on him, I was almost proud. I rolled my eyes and continued on.

"I serious this time Tweek."

"Okay okay, I like you too. I honestly couldn't tell if you really liked me or were just messing around."

"I definitely wasn't messing around. Will you be my boyfriend?"

My question was answered with another kiss. I cupped his face in my hands and we found a rhythm. Without breaking the rhythm, he moved to be on top of me. We were really into it until I heard a key turning at the door. Shit. The door swung open with Kyle, Stan, Bebe, Clyde, and Tolkien standing outside. I totally forgot I gave Kyle that spare key.

"Hey guys you ready for the-" Clyde started. The entire group froze. Jaws dropped.

"Jesus Christ dude." Kyle said. Tweek quickly retreated from his previous position. He was sitting next to me now.

"Awwww you guys are cute together." Bebe said.

"We're gonna gooo..." Tolkien said as he slowly backed out the door. The rest of the group quickly followed in silence besides Family Guy in the background.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Tweek yelled.

"Look I'm sorry, I totally forgot Clyde said to meet here."

"Why didn't you text and tell them we weren't going?" He interrogated.

"I figured you did!" He sunk down into the bed and pulled the covers over him, I did the same. I was really tired. I put my head on Tweek's shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. It was nice to be held, usually I was the one holding him. I wrapped my arms around his waist, he was really fit, like teeny tiny waist. When he thought I was sleeping, he started to run his fingers through my hair. We both drifted off the sleep and didn't wake up until noon the next day.
Sorry this took so long to update. Should I continue this story or maybe start a new one? I'm not sure where it should go from here and it's kinda all over the place.

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