another one thank you 🤭

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"Tweek!" She said, not even questioning the fact that I came over unannounced. She didn't say to come in, but she implied it with her body language. She was dressed in a loose, off the shoulder crop top and straight legged sweats.

"Hey Bebe." I said, stepping inside. She welcomed me with one of her hugs, when she pulled away she held her hands on my shoulders and examined me.

"You're upset..." I said nothing.

"I'll make you some coffee and you can tell me everything."

And that's exactly what we did. She sat me down at her little kitchen counter and let me tell her everything from the top. The coffee scandal, to the phone call, to the whole fight with Craig. All she did was nod her head or chime in with a little "nuh uh" or a "stop it right now". Other than that, she just listened. I like Bebe for that, always knows the right place and time to do something.


"... and then I walked out on him and came here."

She stayed quiet for a second, as if she needed a second to mentally gather everything I just said.

"Are you okay Tweek?"

I paused. It was the most simple phrase, but I haven't told this to anyone. Much less has anyone ever asked me if I was okay. I put head in my hands. I didn't mean to, but I started to cry. I hadn't even realized the toll the whole situation had taken on me until then.
Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from the side causing me to look up. For a split second I thought it was Craig, out of instinct I guess. This made me cry even more. I couldn't believe he'd do something like that. Obviously I didn't tell him for a reason, I wanted to keep it private. No one outside of the family needed to know about the scandal. I was so lost in thought I almost didn't hear Bebe when she spoke.

"So what are you gonna do about your parents?"

"Since fourth grade I've been drinking that shit! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that they put meth in it."

"I know! Totally messed up." Bebe said. Though I couldn't tell if she meant it or was just being supportive.

"They refuse to give the shop to me, even after all of the arguments. The court said they can't own the shop anymore, that doesn't mean I can't. If they don't give it to me, it goes to some stranger. This is supposed to be a family business and they're throwing it all away because they 'don't think I'm ready to have a business of my own yet.'"

"Hello? You went to college and post grad. You can totally handle it."

"Exactly! I really don't even want to think about it."

"Let's grab lunch."

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