Ruben Dias - Don't Answer

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This was a lovely request on tumblr


Rubens girlfriend let out a deep sigh and slumped back against the front door as it slammed shut behind her. The calming feeling of home washed over her in waves, helping her gather enough strength to take another step into the apartment. It was more or less Rubens home, but after spending the past few nights there she had come to know it as her own, especially whenever Ruben was there.

He looked up from the bowl of cereal he was having as his girlfriend slowly slowly made her way into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" He asked, mimicking her tired expression.

"I had a day." She sighed and put her purse on top of the kitchen Island where he sat.

"Your boss?" Ruben frowned.

"My boss." She nodded.

Her boss had been way up her ass latley and more so for the past few weeks. Ruben usually let her vent about it after work, today however she seemed more tense about things. He worried that the situation had escalated.

"Fuck." She groaned, reaching for her vibrating phone.

"Is that her?" Ruben asked.

She checked the display.

"It's her alright."

"Don't answer."

"I have to Ruben, she is my boss."

"No, you don't. What you need to do is rest."

"I will baby, after this call."

He rolled his eyes and stood. "You said the same thing yesterday and what happened? You ended up working all night." Ruben thought of the rest and recovery days he usually had on his schedule. Why couldn't his girlfriend also set aside time for herself? They hardly had time for each other anymore because of the way her boss was working her like a horse.

"Ruben please just let me take this call. I'll be joining you for a bowl of cereal in a minute."

Ruben shook his head. He did not look convinced. "You need to rest now." He said, stepping up to her.

"Ruben no. What are you doing?"

In one smooth motion he scooped her up in his arms.

"Ruben put me down. Stop it!"

She kicked her legs in front of him, making it difficult for Ruben to navigate his way towards the bedroom, however he was determined to get her there.

"Rest." He said, plotting her down on his king sized bed.

"Is this your plan huh?" She said, laying flat on her back, looking up at him. "Force me to rest?"

"No." He grinned. Ruben had many ways to help his girlfriend relax. Luckily her phone had stop vibrating as she lay down before him, this way her attention was all on him and what he was about to do to her.

"Ruben." She gasped.

His arms tugged her thighs, adjusting her to lay directly beneath him on the bed. She did not repell him when he bent down to kiss her lips. He did not stop until he felt her relax against him.

"Ruben please." She said, moaning into his mouth. "I have to call her back."

"No." He groaned, raising his head from her lips, moving on to her neck.

"Ruben." She sighed, but held a hand to the back of his head, keeping him there.

He nibbled her skin, tracing soft love bites down towards her collarbone. He pulled the lace down to her top, wanting to expose more skin for him to kiss. She arched her back, bringing her chest upwards. Ruben did not refuse the offer to have a go at her breast.

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