Risk It All Part 3

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Reader gets pregnant by Ruben. Although the two are not together Ruben promises to support her through the pregnancy, eventually letting reader stay with him until the child is born. (This fic includes alot of angst and serious topics)


Things happened so fast once the test results panned out positive, saying that Ruben was indeed the father of your unborn child. He had you move out of Lina's apartment and in with him, after the two spent quite some time arguing about it. Nevertheless it was your words that got her to finally surrendered. You told her that it was for the best, that you couldn't stay on your bosses couch forever.

"Call me." She said. "Anytime."

You nodded. "I will."

You felt homesick the first nights spent in Ruben's apartment. You had the urgent need to call your mother but there was a ten procent chance that she would even pick up. Drug abuse did that to a person.

You were up late one night, on the verge of tears, when footsteps emerged and the lights in the kitchen came on.

"You're up?"

Ruben appeared, an empty water bottle in his hand. He wore slippers and oversized basketball shorts, however nothing more than that. His bare chest was outlined in the dimmed light, his muscles lean and very very visible.

"I..." You said, wiping your runny nose. "I couldn't sleep."


He walked over to the sink, turning on the water to refill his bottle. Once the cap was on he turned back to you. "Is the room too hot? I mean, you asked me to turn the temperature up yesterday."

"The room is fine Ruben." You said, a faint smile on your lips. But it faded quickly and Ruben noticed.

"Hey." He approached you, lifting your head before it dropped. He held it between his hands, staring blankly into your watering eyes. "You're crying, what's wrong?"

You sniffled, shaking your head.

"No, tell me." His eyebrows furrowed.




"Y/N, please, tell me what's wrong?"

You pushed the words through your clogged throat. "Why aren't there any snacks in your apartment?"


You lifted your head, a dead serious look in your eyes. "I've looked everywhere, but nothing."

His hands left your face, scratching the back of his head. "Y/N, if it's snacks that you want..."

He went over to the nearest cabinet, however you didn't allow yourself to get too excited since you had already gone through the same cabinet twice.

"Here you go, snacks."

Your heart sank as Ruben slid a bag of unseasoned rice cakes your way.

"Ruben." You sighed. "Snacks aren't supposed to have fiber in them, or say 'organic' on the side of packaging."


"No. The label is suppose to spell out the words 'extra salty' or 'extra sweet'. And anything that resembles edible snacks in your home turns out to be sugar free."

Ruben batted his eyes, quite baffled by your sudden ranting. "Alright." He nodded. "Tomorrow. I'll get you some snacks tomorrow."

"Real snacks." You demanded.

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