The Sound Of Your Voice

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Ruben finds comfort in the sound of Reader's voice ahead of Manchester City vs Copenhagen, as he is a little anxious ahead of the game.


It was ahead of Manchester City's first game during The Champions League knockout phase.

You had always know Ruben to be a confident person, quite sure of himself and his abilities. His self awareness could expose any therapist for an imposter and he wasn't a fool nor a liar when it came to expressing his emotions. However, Ruben had taught you that there was always a time and place for everything. A time to be happy. A time to be upset. A time to be afraid.

Well into your marriage Ruben was always composed in his character, even after you had the kids. Ruben never came across as less than sure of himself. Unlike you, with the instict of any mother, worrying about the well-being of the people you loved was simply impeded within you. This mindset wasn't taught or forced upon you, it was simply engraved in the essence that made up a woman. Therefore it was natural for something to cause a stirr within you when you recived an anonymous call from Ruben, less than an hour before his game.


Silence. However, you could hear someone breathing on the other end.

"Hello? I can hear you breathing, you know?"

"Y/N, it's me."


The way he said your name, it was desperate and alarming.

"Is everything alright? Why aren't you at the game." You could here it from the living room, your kids leaving you no room to join them on the couch.

"I am." He replied. "We are just about to go on to the pitch and warm up."

"Okay, great. Shall I call you after the..."

"No, don't hang up!"


Again, the way he spoke to you was desperate and very alarming.

"What's going on baby, you're scaring me?"

"I'm...sorry. I just thought I'd give you a call beforehand."

"Oh, okay. What for?"

"I don't know?"

"You don't know?"

Your reaction made him chuckle, the sound calming your heart. "I don't know." He said, this time you sensed a smile on his face. "To tell you that I love you, I guess."

"Um, well, I love you to Ruben."

That's when it dawned on you. How you had thought it impossible that someone like Ruben got anxious sometimes. Although he sounded more relaxed now.

"I have to go now, see you at home."

"I'll see you at home baby, goodluck."

"Don't need it. Bye."

Then again, he was built different. This you simply had to accept. It's what you had grown to love the most about him. 

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