Set Me Free Part 8

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Ruben and Carla have grown apart. With Rubens career taking off he leaves Portugal to live the life of his dreams, breaking Carla's heart doing so. Years later, upon his return home, Ruben learns that Carla has moved on, happily engaged to another man, but not any man, Ruben's childhood bully João Mendes.


Ruben ran around the local stadium. He stopped counting how many laps he had done once his smartwatch died. After running he made his way onto the football pitch, a ball at his feet. He moved fast, trying to keep control of the ball. Defending was his job and Ruben was set to not let anybody through, that started with knowing how to keep the ball at his feet no matter what.

He wasn't good enough, not yet. Years of training and Ruben was still not good enough. He certainly hadn't been good enough to keep the love of his life. How could he expect to be good enough for his team? The European championship was due this summer and Ruben had a long way to go. He had to work harder.

His family had left him for the day. Ruben's mother in particular, couldn't stand it when he got like this. His behavior was compulsive. Instead of expressing his emotions, Ruben would head to the gym and push his body to its limits. His family worried about him, but never knew how to reach him. They saw him as a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode from all the pent-up anger and stress. However, it's what made him the man he is today. That and other things.

"Hello, anybody home?"

"In here!" Ruben shouted.

He stood in the kitchen preparing his post-workout shake whilst waiting for the sauna to heat up. Emerging footsteps were heard out on the patio, followed by a sun kissed Santina popping her head through the glass doors.

"I thought that was you running up and down the street." She smiled. "Are you training for a marathon or something?"

Ruben shrugged his shoulders and took a swing of his shake. "I'm just trying to stay in shape." He said.

"You, stay in shape?" Santina invited herself in, her eyes wandering shamelessly to the pecks of Ruben's sweaty muscles as he stood shirtless before her. "Come on Ruben, you're built like a sculpture, what more do you want?"

He chuckled.

"I bet you can't do pilates though. I'm good for a spread eagle now that the studio in my house is fully renovated."

"A spread eagle?" Ruben frowned.

Santina glared at him seductively. "I'd show you how I do it but...."


"But Carla is my friend so...."

Ruben flinched at the name. A grimace that did not go unnoticed by Santina.

"I saw you talking to her at the party." She said, resting her elbows on the kitchen Island and grinning when Ruben's eyes shamelessly diverged to her ass. "You left kind of early after that."

"Yeah, I was not...." Ruben scratched the back of his head, his gaze returning to hers. "I guess you can say I suddenly felt sick to my stomach." And he still felt sick. Not even the aching pain from working out so hard could mend what he felt inside. The fact that Carla wanted nothing to do with him was simply killing him from the inside out.

Ruben cleared his throat. "Was there anything you needed?"

Santina perked up. "No, not really."

With Ruben's success he had moved his family into a gated community. Santina had become their new neighbor as she lived down the street in the home that her family left her in their will.

"Alright, well I'm about to head into the sauna." He pointed.

"Cool. Mind if I join?"

It wasn't a question. Santina pushed off the kitchen Island and strutted down the hallway, peeling off the laces to her top as she did.

Ruben sighed but bent down to pick up the trail of her clothes, neatly folding them and placing them on the bathroom sink. The glass doors to the sauna were foggy, with Santina hiding inside of it. Ruben stepped out of his shorts and boxers before opening the door, welcoming the heat.

"What took you so long?"

Santina sat with her knees to her chin, head leaning back against the wall. She sat up as Ruben stepped up to her, his hand reaching to her lips.

"No talking during."

She smiled, "As you wish."

Ruben's hand went to the back of her neck, aligning her head with his erect cock. Santina's eyes widened at the sight of it, already pulsating in his hand.

She obeyed his wishes by not talking during, however Ruben imagined it hard for her to do anything with his dick in her mouth.

She squinted her eyes, tears running down the side of her face as he fucked her mouth, making her gag as he did.

"Good girl." He grunted.

Santina was no quitter either, swallowing his seed with the audacity to look up at him and smile as it went down her throat.

She had a hot body, no doubt about that. However Ruben was afraid that he would go soft seeing her face. There was nothing peculiar about her face, it just didn't belong to the woman that he loved. Nevertheless, Santina didn't mind getting fucked from behind, something told Ruben that she preferred it. She arched her back with his every stroke, gripping the wood and moaning like a maniac as he knocked his hips against hers. She had him coming within seconds. It would be embarrassing, however Ruben couldn't care less.

"We're done here." He said, falling back against the wood.

Santina nodded and made her way out of the sauna, letting out some of the fog. Ruben sat with his legs spread and glistening sweat dripping down his torso. He was still hard, so hard. Nothing did it for him these days. No other woman could satisfy him anymore. He was being a tad dramatic, but if Carla didn't want him Ruben would quit women altogether. He needed to focus on football anyway and now he could do that without looking back.

The wood burned his back as he slumped down against it. Ruben groand as he grabbed his dick, squeezing it in the palm of his hand. He stroked it slowly up and down, trying to picture her face behind his closed eyelids. "Carla." He moaned. Along with upping the tempo of the stroking of his cock. His biceps clenched, already tired from his workout earlier. He pushed through, biting down on his lip as he did.

Her name escaped his lips when he came.

He felt pathetic.

Ruben felt pathetic and disgusting. He was careless too, having fucked Santina without a condom. But who knows, maybe she could have his baby? Ruben wanted nothing more than a family of his own. But if it wasn't with Carla perhaps it was never meant to be.

Part 9 and 10 are already out on my Patreon for Free! (Link below)

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