Try Me Part 4

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Summary - A six part series where reader is a very passionate football player and Ruben is her new and equally passionate football coach. However, the two of them can't seem to get along.


It was getting out of hand now. You told your teammates that you've deleted your fake Tinder profile, however, that was a lie. You had to lie, especially since the message thread between you and Ruben had totally escalated. He was asking you personal questions now, about your favorite color, about your plans for the future. Christina 25, as your fake profile was called, liked to ski in the alpes in December, read heavy books in front of a fire and oh, devour juicy eggplants in the evening.

Ruben didn't hold back on details about himself either. He had reaveld that he was coaching a women's team, that his favorite animals were dogs and that he'd have you crying out his name after five minutes in bed with him.

It was all getting very out of hand. But you couldn't stop yourself from replying to every last one of his messages.



You were snapped out of another set of daydreams and of course he had to be the one to snap you out of it.

"I said, do you need help with your bag?"

"My what?"

You were a bit confused, standing before the team bus. The team had a series of away games coming up and you had spent the previous days stressing over who was gonna look after Mimi when you were gone. Eventually you got a hold of her aunt, who said she could take her for the two nights that you would be away. This lifted a huge weight off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on the games ahead and Ruben....who still stood waiting to help the chauffeur load your bag onto the bus.

"My bag, yes!" You shuffled it his way, quick to get on the bus and hide your face.

"Ladies listen up!"

"Hold up everyone, coach has got a speech." The girls laughed.

Ruben was the last person to step on the bus.

"I'm just setting some ground rules." He said.

"Lay it on us coach!"

"Well firstly, we have two important games ahead of us. We're in the middle of the knock out stages and the rules are simple, if we win we stay, if we lose we go. With that being said, all I'm asking is for all of you to be on your best behavior this weekend. Even if we're staying at a fancy hotel this is not a vacation, we have a job to do, am I clear?"

The girls let out displeased groans. "Can't we at least hang around the pool, or enjoy the all you can eat breakfast buffet?"

"Look, I'm not your parents, but if I were, I would ask you to make smart choices this weekend, alright?"

"Yes daddy!" Someone mumbled.

You sat back with your headphones on, the rocky movment of the bus on the verge of putting you to sleep.

"Y/N, will you switch seats with me?"

It was Hannah, your teammate, interrupting your zen.

You removed your headphones. "What?"

"I get road sick. But I can't sit all the way up front. It's making me dizzy. Can we switch seats so I still have eyes on the road?"

"Fine." You sighed and gave up your seat.

No one wants to sit up front with the chauffeur, no one but....

"Y/N?". Ruben was suprised to have you appear at his side. He had also been wearing headphones, but were quick to remove them at the sight of you.

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