Ruben Dias x Reader - Period Disaster

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Summary - Reader wakes up having leakage. Eventually Ruben comes to the rescue.


You were used to having a heavy flow but this, this was as worst as it could get.

You woke up to a cold and sticky sensation in you back. Rolling over you realized that a leakage has happened during the night and now it was all over you and the bedsheets.

Your boyfriend Ruben slept peacefully on his side of the bed, unaware of the disaster happening to you. Getting up and out of bed left you feeling slightly lightheaded.


You took one step towards the bathroom, when a very sharp pain suddenly hit your lower abdomen, weakening your knees as you took another step.

"No." You whimperd, feeling like you wouldn't make it the rest of the way to the bathroom. In desperation you got on all fours and deciding to crawl. Either way the pain was unbearable. The feeling was as if a horse had kicked you in the back and front.


You don't know for how long you sat slumped down on the bathroom floor, a hand to your stomach, before there was a knock on the door. It was Ruben, asking to be let in. Perhaps he had turned over to see the blood stain you left on your side of the bed? If so, how embarrassing, you thought.

"Babe, please open up."

"Ruben I'm sorry, I'll be right there to clean it up." You cried.

"Babe, just open up the door." He said, distress in his voice. Perhaps he needed to use the bathroom himself.

You reached for the door handle from where you sat on the floor, but with every movement followed the sharp pain in your abdomen.

"Ruben don't."

He pushed the door open, stumbling into the bathroom to find you crumbled up on the floor beneath him. His eyes diverged to the blood stain that was smeared across the tile.

"Ruben please, I'm on my period and I...Ruben?"

It was without hesitation that he bent down to pick you up in his arms, carrying you over to the bathtub.

"Ruben please, I'm disgusting."

He turned to you and frowned. "Don't ever fucking say that about yourself."

He set you down in the bathtub, helped you undress, before turning on the hot water, letting it fill up the tub.

"Ruben but I'm bleeding." You said, embarrassed about the whole situation. You knew that Ruben had sisters but you doubted that he had ever witnessed somthing like this. Girls are really good at not letting their periods effect their daily lives, but sometimes things go beyond their control.

"Ruben." You groaned. However he ignored your stubborn plea for him to get out of the bathroom and leave you to it. Instead he knelt down in front of the tub, grabbed a sponge and started scrubbing you clean.

At one point he left you, heading downstairs. He returned after a while with some clean clothes and a hot water jug.

"For your stomach." He said, helping you get dressed. He walked you back to the bedroom. There you found that he had also changed the bedsheets for you and brought up a tray of orange juice along with a small pill that spelled Aspirin on it.

"For the pain." He said, handing you the pill and a glass of orange juice.

You swolled the pill and crawled back into bed. Ruben joined you, pulling you close to lay with your back against him.

"You don't have to do this Ruben." You yawned, suprised at how sleepy you were.

"Of course I do, your my girlfriend." He muttered.

You fell asleep to Ruben nuzzling his head into the crease of you neck, his hands rubbing carefully across your belly. The warmth his body cradled you with made you feel safe and cared for, like a sheep in wool.

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