Dark Rivalry Part 7

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Reader is Trent Alexander Arnold's twin sister. The two have been inseparable since childbirth, more so now when Reader is fresh out of university looking for a job, crashing at her brother's place whilst doing so. One day Reader gets a job offer that she cannot refuse, however it would mean working for her brother's biggest rival in football, Ruben Dias.


London Fashion Week.

Ruben was attending a couple of shows for the weekend and booked for you to come along with him. He had you staying in a five star hotel. Separate rooms, of course. The moment you shared in Grandma's shop was passionate and true, however Ruben respected your request to keep things professional if you were to work form him, making yourself off limits to having any sexual relationship with him. Besides, you didn't want to do his assistant the honors of saying, I told you so. Miranda was already on your case as she too attended the fashion week with you and Ruben. She was determined to make sure that you didn't make Ruben look bad by dressing him in rabbit fur or something.

"What about this one?" You said, spreading out a second outfit on Ruben's hotel bed. The three of you had gathered in his room, finalizing what he should wear to the show that he was attending this afternoon. But per usual, Miranda disapproved of all of your decisions.

"It's too brown." She complained.

"Right." You nodded. "And by that you mean what exactly?"

Miranda looked at you fretfully, but she did owe you a factual explanation.

"It's too country." She shrugged. "I know it's a Louis Vuitton, but come on, who wears a leather jacket to a fashion show?"

You crossed your arms. "Ruben will."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, when I ask him. Ruben!" You called him into the room. "Can you come here for a second?"

The door to the bathroom slid open and Ruben stepped out with wet hair and a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist. "What's up?" His head shifted between you and Miranda.

"Quick question." You said, stepping forwards. "Which outfit do you prefer to wear for the show this afternoon, this one or that one?" You pointed to the clothes on the bed.

Ruben's eyebrows furrowed, looking to ponder the question. You looked at Miranda who's eyes were already narrowed at you in suspicion.

"I dunno?" Ruben chuckled. "Which outfit do you want me to wear? They both look fine to me but you're the stylist."

"Agreed." You said. "I'm thinking the brown Louis jacket with all black underneath."

"Cool." He smiled.

"But a brown leather jacket to a fashion show, come on Ruben" Miranda protest altered Ruben's return to the bathroom. But then he glanced at you, his expression softening. "If Y/N thinks it's good, then it's good."

You exhaled in relief once the bathroom door closed behind him.

"Just know...." Miranda warned you, her face red underneath all of that pale foundation. "....anything bad written about Ruben this weekend and I'm blaming you."

You rolled your eyes as she left the room. You did a little happy dance on the carpet to celebrate the small victory. Just then the bathroom door slid open again, Ruben stiffening in the frame, his eyes laced with amusement. "Everyone's enjoying themselves I see."

"Oh my god, Ruben. I'm...."

"More than welcome to keep dancing if you want to." He laughed.

Heat rose to your face. You crumbled with embarrassment. "It's just that....it's just that Miranda..."

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