Brotherly Love Part 6

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Summary - The sequel to The Houseguest where Ruben and Reader have been dating long distance for a year. The two of them finally plans to spend a holiday together, but to Readers suprise and disappointment, Ruben brings her brother Bernardo with them.


You and Anita had never been particularly close, despite being siblings. You were more like acquaintances than family members, each living your own separate lives under the same roof. Once Anita got together with Thomas any connection you ever felt you had with your sister simply dispatched. Their relationship wasn't a betrayal, but more so a wall put up between your lives. That wall was slowly coming down though, as the car ride back from the villa forced you to open up to your sister in a way you've never done before.

You told Anita about your troubles with Ruben.....and Bernardo, how you didn't think that Ruben loved you back, or at least not as much as he loved Bernardo.

"Oh honey." Anita scolded. "Falling for your brother's best friend was your first mistake. I mean look at you, thrid wheeling whilst Bernardo has your man wrapped around his midget fingers."

"What should I do?"

"Not a damn thing. Ruben made his choice didn't he?"

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