Brotherly Love Part 4

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Summary - The sequel to The Houseguest where Ruben and Reader have been dating long distance for a year. The two of them finally plans to spend a holiday together, but to Readers suprise and disappointment, Ruben brings her brother Bernardo with them. 


Things didn't quite go as planned for you. It only felt right to give Ruben your room since you were the one who broke up with him. But you were less than thrilled at the prospect of sleeping in a glorified garden shed. That's right, you were back in the pool house, obscured from the rest of your family, officially the odd man out. And after your little outburst at your parents anniversary party, things would often quiet down when you came in the house for breakfast.

"You're up?" Your mom said, the only one who bothered to acknowledge your presence. She was joined around the table by Anita.

"Where's dad...and Thomas?" You asked.

"Oh. Well the boys went to the marina."

"The marina, this early? Why?"

"Ruben's uncle is letting them borrow his boat again, for fishing." Said Anita. "Mom and I wanted to join them but we remembered how seasick you got the last time."

"Gee..." You sighed. "Don't let me ruin all the fun."

"Well, it's kind of your thing now, isn't it?" She smirked.

"Don't worry honey." Your mom placed a comforting hand on your thigh as you sat down to have breakfast. "Your sister and I were thinking that the three of us could have a lovely day at the beach. It's a perfect day for it, no?"

It was a perfect day for it. Too bad that on a day like this the beach in Portimão was overflowing with people. You, your mom and Anita struggled to find three tanning beds next to each other.

"Don't worry." You said, as they manage to find two tanning beds next to each other. "I'm going swimming anyway."

"Works for me." Anita shrugged.

She was quick to throw herself onto her back, her skin glisterig in the sun. Your mom urged you to put on sunscreen too as you left the two of them on your way to the water. The sand was warm underneath your bare feet, like hot liquid melting between your toes. You stopped at the shoreline, just where the crystal water snubbed your feet.

"You need help with that?"


It was the man from the fishmarket, appearing beside you. He was taller than you rembered, his brown hair dripping with water.

"Do you need help putting sunscreen on your back?" He smiled, his teeth white in the sun.

"Um, sure." You said, handing him the bottle. He got behind you and started massaging the cream onto your shoulders, his hands moving down your naked back.

"I thought you worked at the market?" You said.

"Not everyday." He chuckled.


As he applied more sunscreen, your hands brushed together. You couldn't help but notice how strong and gentle his touch was. This left a sense of loss once he stopped.

"Thanks," you said, turning to look at him.

"Don't mention it."

He handed you back the bottle.

"Do you want me to do you?" You offered.

"Save some for your boyfriend." He winked.

"I actually don't have a boyfriend anymore. Ruben and I broke up."

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