Sweet Revenge

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Summary - Reader is a United fan and teases Ruben and City for losing the FA Cup.



Who knew that Ruben was a sore loser? What a discovery, you thought. Despite Man City's triumph I the Prmeier League, he couldn't quite get over their lost to United in the FA Cup. You'd wake up at night hearing him mutter in his sleep. "At Wembley...Can't believe that they got us at Wembley..."

Eventually, Ruben would roll over and go back to bed, but as his girlfriend, his behavior was a tad concerning. However....as a United fan, what a glorious time to be alive.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

You joined Ruben in the living room. It's where he spent most of his current days post-season, in front of the TV, contemplating his life decisions.

"What?" He hissed, eyeing you like you had just insulted his entire family. Just your presence would spite him these days, knowing damn well that his girlfriend was a Man United fan. If he wasn't madly in love with you, he would have shown you the door right after the Cup final.

"I dunno?" You shrugged. "Losing for once? It hurts, doesn't it?"

"You're having a laugh about it, aren't you? You and your United friends."

"Hey, all I'm saying is that all is fair in love and football."

"All is fair, huh?"

"Yes." You grinned.

"Are you willing to put your words where your mouth is."

"Erm...pardon?" Your eyes widened as Ruben stood from the couch, draping his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

"Ruben, what are you...."

"City lost, Man United won." He stated. "We had a bet."


"So? Wasn't the bet that the winner gets a wish?"

You smiled. "And you really believe that my wish would be for you to fuck me?"

"What was it then?"

Your smile widened, realizing your power. Ruben was really annoyed, wanting for the subject to be dropped as soon as possible so that he could move on with his life and the game. However, you had another plan in mind.

"You've got to be kidding me?" Ruben said after you left the living room only to return with your favorite Manchester United Jersey.

"Unfortunately, not baby, you made me do it last year, I'm making you do it now."

"But I can't wear that. It won't fit me."

You admit that the jersey would be a bit tight on him, considering that it was almost your size. However, it would add to the sweet revenge.

"It's not my fault your team lost. A bet is a bet baby, suit up."

You didn't know what was funnier. Walking hand in hand into your favorite sports bar with Ruben wearing your United jersey, or the fact that the number behind it was the number five, "Maguire." All you know is that it was a torture for Ruben being forced to celebrate with your friends who were all United fans. A torture for him and hilarious for you.

"What. A. Shit. Night." Ruben said, quick to tugg off your shirt once you returned to the apartment.

"Ah, ah, Ruby. Not so fast."

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