Ruben Dias x Reader - The Houseguest (Part 1)

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This was a really cool request from tumblr which I'm making into a three part series.


"You're bringing who?"

You couldn't believe it. You traveled all the way from your university in Porto for the annual vacation with your family, only to find out that you sister was bringing her boyfriend who is also your ex.

"Come on Y/N. It's not like it would be wierd or anything, you guys broke up when you were what, fifteen?"

"Seventeen actually." You corrected and your sister was right, perhaps it wouldn't be that wierd for her to bring your ex, they had been together for over two years now, a long enough time for you to cope with the situation. Still, he was your first love and that's a feeling that's left It's marks.

"I thought this was a family vacation?" You said, folding your arms.

"It's is." Your mother budged in as she came downstairs, carrying a suitcase.

"Then how come Anita gets to bring her boyfriend, ergo, not a family member."

Your sister rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to her mom, she's just jealous."

"Who's jealous?" Bernardo your older brother said, he came downstairs carrying his suitcase along with you dad's suitcase. Your dad followed behind him, his bad hip forcing him to lean against the railings.

"Y/N" Your sister said. "I'm bringing Tomàs with me to Portimão this weekend which she thinks is wierd."

"Well she's right, that is wierd."

"Told you!" You said, sticking your tounge out at Anita.

Bernardo chuckled.

You were glad that somone seemed to have your back in this.

"Now, now children let's not argue." Your dad said, the pacemaker in the family. "There is room for everybody at the villa, ex boyfriends or not."

"Exactly." Anita said and carried on to take her luggage out to the car.

"I can't believe I turned down the invitation to go to Cancun with my friends for this." You muttered.

"There there." Your mother patted your back and led you out the house. "You'll see, it will be just like old times."

It wasn't.

During old times the drive from Lisbon to Portimão were a bliss for you and your family. You children would sit in the back whilst your parents took turns driving. Usually you'd be the one to sit in the middle, although you hated it. You sucked at rock papper scissors, but only because Anita and Bernardo had tricked you for years, convincing you to always open a game with papper. Unfortunately for you everything beats papper.

"We're here!"

No, the drive to the villa this year had been far from enjoyable. Firstly your family had to split into two cars because of all the luggage. You and Anita in one car whilst Bernardo drove your parents in the other. It was all going smooth, but eventually you had to stop and pick up Tomàs which resulted in the awkwardest two hours in your life.

Arriving at the villa though, he had actually pulled you aside to exchanged a few words.

"I know you're not happy with me coming along this weekend."

"What, no. Who told you that?"

He smiled. "You always were a terrible liar Y/N."

"I pretended to enjoy your cooking didn't I?" You said, knowing Tomas had been a terrible cook, but which seventeen year old boy wasn't?

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