Friends With Benefits Part 1

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Summary - Reader and Ruben have been in a friends with benefits situation for over three years now, with Reader eventually looking for something more serious. But what does Ruben want?


The bar was full with people tonight, one of those after work specials, you thought. It was one of those places with that American Psycho feel, where people drank wine and whisky rather than Redbull-vodka and cheap pints of Guinness. And the interior design of the place resembled more of a fancy art gallery than a place to get drunk.

"From the gentlemen " Said a waitress, dressed in forbidden red, handing you a glass of dark liquor, gesturing over to the gentlemen sitting across from you, who's gaze watched you attentively. "He says once you've finished, come over."

By the looks of it he must have been flirting with the poor girl prior to her delivering your drink. Her hands were seen clenching the tray, knuckles white. Perhaps she was feeling guilty to be setting you up with a man she'd suspect to be unfaitful to you if you ever gave in.

You put a hand on your thigh, rubbing your exposed skin. Your other hand held your phone, typing a cryptic message to the unknown number that had previously sent you a message, telling you to chug the drink being delivered to you by the young waitress dressed in red.

"Thank you." You smiled, accepting your drink. You raised your glass, giving the gentlemen across from you a slight nod. The young waitress bowed her head, leaving you to it. Little did she know that two could play the game of seduction.

You took a swing of your drink, almost emptying all it's content in one go. The glass was left half empty now, leaving you with a burning sensation in your throat. The gentlemen across from you held his glass to his mouth, hiding his obvious grin.

The game was on.

You: What now?

Him: Take off your panties, tell me what they smell like?

You smiled at your screen. It was the seductive hand on your thigh, he had noticed, falling right into your trap.

You: As you wish.

You began moving your hand upwards your thigh, slow enough to tease him, but fast enough for anybody else not to take notice.

You kept your eyes on him, watching them widened with interest as your hand slipped under, tugging at the damped fabric that kept your throbbing pussy in check. You wiggled in your chair for the panties to detach from your ass, eventually sliding down the curve of your thighs and to your ankles, where you let them trap your high heels together in a tempting knot.

You smiled, watching him empty his glass, pouring the dark liquor down his throat. He was on his feet now, making his way over to you, faster than you could've imagined. That had been the deal though, whoever finished their drink first had to be the first one to approach. A silent game of cat and mouse, as the two of you had tried to get the other to finish their drink first, practically the entire night. Turns out a man weakness is and always will be a wet pussy.

You: A little help?

"Good evening." He said, taking the chair next to you, scooting it an extra inch closer.

"Evening." You said, cocking your head.

"A lady in distress I see."

You chuckled, but allowed the tip of your heel to put pressure against his outlined calf.

"Care to help?"

He leaned forward, his large frame covering the sight of you, preventing other people at the bar to see the tugging of hands.

"Carful now." You hissed. As his hand which now rested on your thigh, traveled upwards rather downwards towards your fallen panties.

He chuckled, flashing his white teeth. "Your cunt is mine, didn't you know that?"

You jumped, feeling him enter you, his warm hand beneath your dress, a slight panic because of your lack of movement caused by your trapped ankles.

"Carful now." He teased.

The feel of his thumb stroking your bead made you clenched around nothing.

"Ruben, not here." You gasped.

"Then where?" He grinned

You left the bar with a draft between your legs, your apartment only being a ten minute walk away.

You fumbled with the keys to the door as Ruben's groping hands and latching mouth made it difficult for you to concentrate.

As soon as you stumbled over the threshold clothes were coming off. You barley made it to the bedroom before his shaft was locked up inside of you, with you climbing on his cock, clinging on to his neck.

You woke up the next morning with a scolding headache and a naked man sleeping beside you to mend the pain.

Ruben had an alarm of his own. It went off the same time it had always done for these past three years.

"What are we?" You asked, as Ruben pressed your body against his, planting soft kisses down your shoulder.

"What do you mean?" He groaned, clearly distracted by more important things.

"What are we in terms of a relationship."

He paused the motion of rubbing your back, lifting his head to look at you. "We're friends, no?"

"The best of friends." He grinned, resuming the serenading of kisses, this time traveling down the slope of your neck and onto the trace of your collarbone.

Your eyebrows furrowed. "Don't you mean friends who fuck on a daily bases?"

"Ruben, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too." He said, a slight irritation in his voice as you forced all motion of kissing to stop once more.

"Okay, if we're the best of friends, how come every time you're in town you somehow always wake up in my bed?"

"Because your bed is the best." He pressed a swift kiss to your lips, sitting up in bed.

You rolled your eyes and fell back against the your pillow.

"Look, Y/N, I thought we went over this? I'm not looking for anything serious right now, neither are you, or at least that's what you told me."

"Friends?" He said in that trustful way he always did.

"Yeah, three years ago." You muttered.

Since then you and Ruben had shared numerous of moments like the one in the bar last night. Moments that would make any sane person qualify you two as more than just friends.

"With benefits." You agreed, grabbing a hold of the hand he offered to you, letting him pull you out of bed.

Maybe you should let things be with Ruben. He was a simple guy with simple needs and you knew exactly where you had him in terms of a relationship. It was just not happening. So what if you kept him around for a bit longer? From now on you would see him as a dick on the side whilst you finally put yourself out there in search for a real man.

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