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Fuyumi and Rue wandered the unfamiliar streets of Magnolia together, the latter clutching her partner's arm.

"I-I don't think we've been this far into the town before. It's really shady," Rue squeaked out, glancing around. Every shabby street, every untrustworthy alleyway looked exactly the same, filled to the brim with strange old antiques and buff, criminal-looking men. Fuyumi inhaled deeply, trying to smell her way towards the guild, only for her nostrils to be flooded with a disgusting mix of sewage and kerosene. She spluttered, holding her nose.

"I can't smell anything except gunk," she coughed.
"Ohh... this is it, we're lost," Rue sobbed, "we're never going to see Natsu or Happy ever again."

"I think I know where they are," a gruff voice spoke. Fuyumi turned to the speaker and there stood what looked like it was supposed to be a man.

A tall, buff man with a heavily disfigured face, and a hook for a left hand.
"You do?" Rue squealed, "oh, the day is saved, Fuyumi!"

"Yeah. They said they was lookin' for youse, so they sent me 'round here to come find youse," the man said, his jaw clicking as he spoke. Fuyumi's brow furrowed and she stepped back.
"Uh, no, thank you. I think we can find our way home just fine," she said, mustering up her best attempt at an apologetic tone.

"Eh? Why not, the sent me here to come getcha," the man took a step forwards, holding out his hook-hand.
"Again, I think we're fine, thank you," she shook her head. They could hear Rue's breath picking up in their ear as the both of them realised the situation they were in.

Suddenly, the man lurched forwards, hooking onto the sash around Fuyumi's hip. She yelped and made an attempt to jump away, though the man was stronger and yanked her towards him. In a flash of mystical light, the hook-hand clattered to the floor from her sash, leaving the man with just a bare stump where his hand had been before whatever happened to him.

"She said no, idiot!"

Fuyumi stared at the back of her saviour's head and the man took a step back.
"Now, now— boy— there ain't no need to get all rowdy— I-I was simply just trying to help," the man said.
"Get outta here," the boy huffed, lowering his head.

As though he was frightened of just a child, the man took off down one of the old streets, hobbling away. The boy turned and kicked the hook away, before turning his eyes to Fuyumi.

The Ice Dragon Slayer blinked slowly at him while Rue hyperventilated in her ear.

"You okay?" the boy asked, "that guy was really creepy."
"Um, yes," she nodded at him. Rue began to cry again, flying forwards at the boy. He made a noise of surprise as she hugged him.

"Thank you, thank you! You saved us!" she blubbered.
"Rue! Don't be rude," Fuyumi exclaimed.

"You— have a cat as well?" the boy inquired, "so do I."
A grin came over his face and Fuyumi could properly analyse him. He looked to be around the same age as her, with light blond hair and deep blue eyes. There was a single scar on his face, across his right eyebrow. He wore a white, long-sleeved shirt with an orange vest over the top.

"Oh," she said, "erm. Thank you for saving us."
"It's nothing," he shook off her words, "what's your name? I'm Sting, Sting Eucliffe."

Raised on Erza's manners, she held out her hand for him to shake, which he gladly took.
"I'm Fuyumi Dragneel," she replied, slightly more at ease now.

The boy's, Sting's, jaw dropped open.
"Dragneel? Like, Natsu Dragneel?" he gaped.
"Well, yes. He's my older brother," the Ice Dragon Slayer confirmed.

"No way," Sting breathed, "Natsu's awesome! Wait— does that mean you're from Fairy Tail?!"
Fuyumi hummed, turning to show him the light blue guild mark on her left shoulder, the one she was so proud of.

"Gosh," he rubbed the back of his neck, "that's... I didn't know that."
"You just met me. Of course you didn't," she said with a smile.
"Right— yeah. Well, now we've gotta be friends," he replied.

"Aren't you in a guild as well?" Fuyumi asked.
"Uh, no," he coughed, "I want to join Fairy Tail when I get stronger, so I can fulfil my dream of butting heads with— well, your older brother!"

"I like this guy, I don't know about you, Fuyumi," Rue giggled.
"Well, I think that's a great dream. He's a bit of a nuisance sometimes, though," Fuyumi said.

"Really? I never would've thought," Sting replied, awed at the whole situation, "gee... I wouldn't have thought my day would be so interesting. Uh, I'm guessing you're trying to get back to your guildhall?"
"Yes, uh, we got lost," Fuyumi said with a hint of embarrassment.

"Ahh, no biggie, I'll help you get there," Sting offered his hand and, with a slight uncertainty, Fuyumi took it. He started to lead her out of the slum-like area, an area of Magnolia she hadn't really known existed.
"So, Sting Eucliffe, tell me about yourself?"

"Oh, uh... there isn't really much," he sighed, "I mean... I've got a cat, just like yours. His name's Lector."
"Oh! My name's Rue!" Rue chirped, and Sting chuckled.

"Rue... what a nice name," he said, "what else, uh... well, just like your brother, I'm a Dragon Slayer as well. That's why I wanna fight him so bad."
"You're a Dragon Slayer?" Fuyumi stared at him, thinking back to the conversation they'd had with Natsu that morning, about how they and Laxus could possibly be the only three.

"Yeah, nobody ever believes me... but Natsu's a Dragon Slayer, so you believe me too, right?" he glanced at her hopefully.
"Yes, I do," she nodded, "I'm also a Dragon Slayer, so..."

"You are?!" Sting yipped excitedly.
"Mm. An Ice Dragon Slayer," Fuyumi said proudly, "my mother, Isolde, she was the queen of Ice Dragons - I don't mean to brag."
"A queen... wow," the blond gaped, "my father was called Weisslogia. He was a White Dragon."
"Like... Holy Magic?" Fuyumi blinked. Sting hummed a yes.

"That's quite cool," Fuyumi smiled, "uh, I have a question. Natsu and I, our Dragon parents both disappeared on us one day. After they'd taught us our magic, I mean... they just up and vanished. Did that happen to you too?"

A nervous look washed over Sting's face before he nodded, "uh, yes. Weisslogia disappeared too."
"Oh, really! Well... it's good to know that there's a common thing between us being raised by Dragons. Natsu and I... we've been trying to find our parents for years, now. Because, they must be out there somewhere, right?"

"Yeah," Sting said after a swallow, "enough about our parents though, right? What's it like being in Fairy Tail, the greatest guild of all time!"
"It's... lovely," Fuyumi sighed, "it can be stressful, though. The guildhall's always so lively, and I love them all, but it really can be hectic. I'm glad we have Erza to keep it in order."

"Your guild is just full of so many strong mages," Sting admired, "I can't wait to join."
"Why don't you?" Fuyumi questioned.
"Like I said, I wanna become stronger, so when I do join the guild I can at least have a chance at beating Natsu," he sighed, "you get that, right? I mean, you must be the weakest Dragon Slayer in your guild, considering you've got Natsu and Laxus."

At the Ice Dragon's frown, he yelped.
"Sorry— that wasn't meant to come out that way," he said.
"No, you're right. But I'm only young, I've got plenty of growing to do," she agreed, "so I'll get stronger."

"Hey, maybe we could train together some time!" Sting grinned.
"He's so forward," Rue observed.
"You know... that wouldn't be so bad, to train with someone else at my level," Fuyumi said, "alright, Sting. I think I'll definitely train with you, some time."

The two Dragon Slayers shared a grin, and then the blond stopped. Ahead of him by only a few metres was the Fairy Tail guildhall, in all of its glory. His blue eyes were filled with awe.

"Do you... think I could go in? And see Natsu?" he turned to Fuyumi slowly. She grimaced.
"Uh... sorry, but... my brother, he's..." she sighed, "he's really weird about me and boys. You know?"

Sting went pink at that.
"Oh! Uh, yeah, I got you. No biggie," he nodded, "noted. Well... you're back now."
"Thank you for helping me," Fuyumi smiled politely.
"Yeah! Thank you," Rue giggled.

The two approached the guildhall and, as Fuyumi placed her hand one the door, Sting called out.

"Fuyumi!" he exclaimed, catching their wrist, "when can I see you again?"

She hummed before smiling, blue eyes twinkling with slight mischief.

"You'll find me."

𝙉𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙁𝙏 // 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙭 𝙤𝙘Where stories live. Discover now