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Natsu had made an attempt to drag Fuyumi into the infirmary, but she'd fought against him and refused, insisting she was fine.

And afterwards, he'd questioned her on her sudden ability to tap into the Dragon Force at will. And she had explained everything, from when she had stolen the Lacrima when she was ten to when she had found an aspiring scientist to implant it into to her, to now.

Lucy had explained that she fell under the category of the third generation, which had taken some time to explain.

Wendy had also reappeared looking better than ever, although she pulled Fuyumi aside to whisper to her quietly.
"Um, Fuyumi..." she said with a small frown, "I know... that I was supposed to compete in the Games, and you took my place, but..."
"What's wrong, Wendy?" it was strange to be so much older than the Sky Dragon Slayer, considering that, seven years prior, she could recall them sat together making daisy chains with Carla and Rue like it was yesterday.

"I-I feel like... Fairy Tail will have a stronger chance of winning if you continue to take my place," the blue-haired girl whispered.
"Nonsense, Wendy," Fuyumi shook her head, "I've been competing in these Games for seven years straight, and my participation in them means nothing... we always have ranked last, whether I was on the team or not."
"But... everybody's back now! And, in terms of power... you're a lot stronger than me now," Wendy sighed, "please don't feel like you're replacing me, Fuyumi. I... really want you to take my place."

In the end, Fuyumi had been unable to refuse Wendy's puppy eyes and accepted her request.

They had all walked out to observe the next battle of the day... Mirajane versus Blue Pegasus' reservist, Jenny!

The battle wasn't your typical old battle, however - it was a battle between models. A pin-up contest!

"W-what's going on here?!" Natsu and Gray had shrieked, staring down at the arena.

All of a sudden, girls from all of the participating guilds began to join, including Fuyumi after she had been dragged down by Erza.

The theme switched quickly — bikinis, bikinis with stockings, girls with glasses, and many, many more. Fuyumi didn't find this too embarrassing, as every other girl in the arena was participating too. She giggled as she watched, from afar, an angry Natsu shaking his fist, cursing all those who looked at his sister.

Only when the final category for the interlopers came up did Fuyumi just sort of... freeze in the arena - wedding dresses. She watched as girls were claimed by all different kinds of male partners.

Mirajane had paired herself with your own master, who was decked out in a suit and tie. Even Panther Lily had, very responsibly and kindly, taken the hand of little Asuka, partnering with her.

Levy stood beside Gajeel, who was laying on the ground and facing away from her, claiming he would rather be napping.

Juvia was in the arms of Lamia Scale's Lyon, only for him to be kicked aside by Gray. Fuyumi laughed to herself as she watched Juvia practically spontaneously combust over this gesture.

"Ah! Lucy!" she jogged herself over to the blonde as best she could in the dress, "you're by yourself too."
"Oh, Fuyumi, thank god," she smiled, "I was starting to get a bit embarrassed—"

And then, all of a sudden, she was swooped into the air by Leo, her Celestial Spirit.
"Great," Fuyumi sighed. However, she turned at the sound of a throat clearing behind her.
There stood Sting, looking very debonair in a white tuxedo. With nothing but a smirk, he held out his hand to her.

Hesitantly, Fuyumi placed her gloved hand into his palm and he pulled her in close.
"I didn't think you'd want to talk to me," he said lowly, into her ear.
"Well, I am," she replied, just as quiet, "what brought you down into the arena? Surely, an esteemed Sabertooth wizard like you hasn't got time for such lowly battles like these."

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