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The Ice Dragon Slayer couldn't shake the sinking feeling in her chest after that.

Even worse, they hadn't even acknowledged her as she'd stood beside Lucy. Or maybe it was for the better.

She had wandered until near midnight with Rue, trying to get rid of the awful feeling, until she had come across Lisanna and Elfman, the former struggling to carry boxes and keep up with her brother. She had taken the box from Lisanna and helped her carry it to Honey Bone Inn, where the Fairy Tail team was staying.

"Yo! We brought presents," Elfman said as he walked in.
"I hope you're all excited," Fuyumi added.
"Elfman! Fuyumi!" Gray said.

"Elfman! You're back from mountain hiking," Natsu grinned, "and Fuyumi, what're you doing here?"
"Just making a delivery to our champions," she smiled, "I figured Elfman could use the help."

The clock eventually ticked around to midnight, and Wendy still hadn't shown up. Everyone started getting antsy, with anticipation and worry. Even when the rules were being announced and the inns started changing shape, the Sky Dragon Slayer was nowhere to be seen.

"Wait! We need to get to the goal with all five members!" Erza exclaimed as a massive, spherical labyrinth appeared, "Wendy is missing!"
"Wendy!" Natsu shrieked.

Fuyumi sighed, "Elfman... hold this."
She placed her crate of groceries on top of Elfman's.
"What? No! I'm a real man! I should—!"

With that, Fuyumi grabbed Natsu by the hand and shot off up the stairs, the remaining three members hot on their tails.
"Fuyumi!" Rue shrieked.

"I don't see any other choice! We had no time to wait for Wendy!" Gray said.
"Well, we're counting on you to be a good substitute!" Natsu shouted to Fuyumi.
"Leave it to me!" she grinned.

And Fairy Tail just scraped by. Coming in eighth.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"It's that time again! The magic festival you've all waited all year to see! The Grand Magic Games! I'll be your commentator, Lola Chapati. I have the great honour of being joined by former Magic Council member, Mr. Yajima. Thank you for being with us.

And for today's guest commentator, we've invited the star of the Miss Fiore pageant, Blue Pegasus' Jenny Realight! Now, let's meet our competitors... first, they ranked eighth the preliminaries... but will they be able to claim their former glory?! Don't let the dainty name fool you, this guild is a band fool of ruffians. It's Fairy Tail!"

And with that, Natsu, Gray, Erza, Lucy and Fuyumi marched into the ring. The entirety of the crowd started booing, although Fuyumi was the only one of the five who was used to it.

"What?!" Natsu yelled.
"They're booing us?!" Gray exclaimed.
"Don't let it get to you, Lucy," Erza gave the blonde a reassuring smile.
"It's strange to be back here again... the one year, I thought that I wouldn't compete," Fuyumi sighed.

One by one, the other competing guilds were announced. Surprisingly, Lamia Scale hadn't placed second like usual, instead falling into fourth.

When third was announced, a dark spell overcame the Fairy Tail team. Raven Tail.

"You've seen the girl? That was our way of saying hello," one of the members leered.
"That was you?" Natsu snarled.
"You hurt Wendy..." Fuyumi stepped back.
"They'll pay for this," her brother growled.

And when the second competing team was announced...

Out came Fairy Tail: Team B.

Consisting of Gajeel, Mirajane, Laxus, Juvia, and... Mystogan. Or Jellal. Or Mystogan? Who knew.

"You've gotta be kiddin' me!" Natsu screamed.

Immediately, Gajeel leant in to threaten him.

"Now, for the final team! The first to make it through the preliminaries! Yes, you all know who I'm taking about! The powerful! The unrivalled! The undefeated champions... Sabertooth!"

And Fuyumi watched in total awe as Sting and Rogue strolled out with their little pussy crew.

Why she was surprised, she didn't know why. Of course they were competing, of course they were first.

And still, Sting didn't look at her. His blue eyes only met Natsu's green.

"They're here," he growled, stepping in front of her slightly.
"So that's Fiore's strongest guild?" Gray said judgmentally.

"Don't be fooled, Gray. They're a bunch of assholes," Fuyumi hissed.
"Oh, we know all about your personal grudge," Erza confirmed.

Once the first round was announced and Lyon Vastia of Lamia Scale had decided he would go in, Gray decided he was going as well.
"He is rather stealthy," Fuyumi agreed, "do us some honour, Gray!"

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

To say the least, Fairy Tail didn't do all too well in the events of that day. Cana had something to say about that, at least.

After the chatter of her supporting guildmates and the guilt of not being able to place higher than last - despite not even being a true member of Team A - Fuyumi had taken a walk to calm her nerves. She had left Rue in the care of Bisca and Alzack, two of the most responsible people she knew - they had their own kid, after all.

She listened to the chatter of the bar slowly fade away as she got further into the city of Crocus, wondering how, even though they lost every battle that day, her guild could be so joyful.

"It really isn't a good time to be out, is it?" she pondered aloud, "after what happened to Wendy... no. Maybe I'll find the perpetrator, and give him a piece of my mind..."

A sudden whispering from wherever caught her attention.

"Yeah, just a woman."
"And a Fairy Tail wizard, too. Not too hard to pick off."

"Who... who's there?" she called out, taking a step back.
"Hey, pretty lady. You got any jewel in your coin purse?" two men stepped from the shadows, no taller than her. She looked at both of them and laughed.

"Excuse me?" she said, before turning on her heel and strolling off.
"What— no! Come back, this is a robbery!" one of the men shouted as they followed after her.
"No thank you," she replied, continuing to walk.

"H-hey! You can't just... say no! We're robbing you!" the other shouted.
"How about I rob you... of your dignity! Ice Dragon's Cold Fang!" she spun around and swiped at them both, hitting them both evenly in the jaw and they collapsed on top of each other. She laughed once again and, as a small token of her vengeance, picked up both of their wallets.

"That's lowly. I didn't think the first time I saw you again, you'd be doing that."

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