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Several days later, every wizard who competed in the Games was invited to the palace on special request.

Everybody was dressed extravagantly in black tie, tuxedos and elaborate gowns.
"Do you really think this suits me?" Fuyumi twirled.
"You look amazing!" Wendy snivelled.
"Yeah!" Chelia added. Rue clung onto Carla, who sighed but allowed it to happen.

The two youngsters looked into a little pot that held the most magnificent jelly, when all of a sudden, first master Mavis appeared.

"Fuyumi," she sidled up to the Dragon Slayer.
"Ah! First master," Fuyumi bowed.
"No need for that," the blonde chuckled, "I noticed, you... and that Sabertooth wizard."
"Ah? There's... nothing to notice, first master," Fuyumi replied nervously.

The girl smirked, "I have eyes everywhere. As a member of Fairy Tail, there isn't much you can hide from me."
"So... you saw..." Fuyumi flushed and Mavis nodded.

"Well... do you have any idea where my brother is?" the Ice Dragon Slayer tilted her head.
"Ah... no idea," she shrugged.

Everyone started to murmur about Natsu's whereabouts for a period. Considering he usually stuck out like a sore thumb (that was also on fire), it was worrying when you couldn't locate him at an event like this.

Her knight in blue and white tux suddenly appeared to save her from the conversation, approaching from behind and placing both hands on her shoulders.
"Who're you talking to?" Sting's voice came, surprisingly close to her ear. She jumped at the sudden sensation and turned around.
"Nobody!" she exclaimed.
"Right," he nodded, "let's find Natsu!"

Before she could refuse, Sting grabbed her hand and started dragging her along. With the other hand, he snatched someone's glass of champagne. He charged towards someone who was not Natsu.

"Natsu! Let's have a drink together!" he said cheerily. Gajeel turned around with a glare.
"Salamander ain't here," he said.
"Huh? Here I thought we could toast our new friendship together," Sting pouted.

Gajeel immediately turned away to Rogue instead, who had just appeared, "Ryos!"
"Please don't use that name. It's Rogue," the black-haired man sighed.
"You hear about that guy from the future?" Gajeel continued.

Rogue glanced at Fuyumi before saying, "yeah, I heard... it's pretty pathetic, if I do say so myself. But I'm never going to become him. Not a chance."
"Well, I'll settle for Gajeel!" Sting jostled Fuyumi in by her waist instead, now holding a full bottle of champagne instead of a glass.
"Rude things just spill outta your mouth, huh?" Gajeel's crimson eyes scrutinised Sting's hand placement.
"He's outta practice," Lector sighed.

"Here's to a friendship! Between tigers and fairies!" Sting cheered.
"He's already tipsy," Rogue observed.
"You're telling me," Fuyumi chuckled.

Rue and Frosch had spotted each other and were dancing happily — Fuyumi was glad the two had finally reunited.
"Maybe more than just a friendship between tigers and fairies, right?" Sting slurred, grinning as he flopped his head against Fuyumi's.
"You're drunk," she sighed.

When the king's arrival was announced, everybody quietened and looked to where he would stand: and Natsu appeared instead.

"Hey there, subjects! Be at ease!" the Fire Dragon Slayer grinned - he had stolen the crown of the king, "I am the king now! All hail King Natsu!"
"Natsu!" Lucy cried.
"What's the problem with it? We won, didn't we?! Let me be king for a while, and you can all be my minions!" the pink-haired man cackled. Everybody was still silent and nobody objected. He stood up on the ledge and breathed in.

"My first command as king is..." his fists lit alight, "for Mr. Hot-Pants Sting Eucliffe to get off my sister!"

All eyes turned to aforementioned Dragon Slayer. Fuyumi flushed bright red and pried away from him, making her escape to the balcony. The last glimpse she saw was Erza striding over to Sting.

She flung the balcony doors open and took a deep breath, fanning her face. Cheers came from indoors.
"How could I be so ridiculous," she sighed to herself, "ahh! Natsu, and his kink for public humiliation..."

"I'm not that bad, am I?"

Fuyumi whipped around to see Sting standing there in his intoxicated haze. He was flushed from ear to ear, though his face wasn't as smiley as it had been minutes earlier. He had spilled some champagne down the front of his shirt in his drunken stupor.

"Sting, I—" she cut herself off as he stepped towards her.
"Fuyumi, you... you aren't... embarrassed to be seen with me, are you?" his brow furrowed and he seemed like he couldn't meet her eyes. He looked vulnerable, in a way, like a little boy.
"What? Of course not, it's just... all those eyes, on us..." she shook her head, "our reputations, Sting... we..."

"Our reputations don't matter anymore, do they? They don't to me at least... I mean... we're building Saber from the ground up," he said, still approaching her slowly, "the master and Minerva are gone, now. We don't have to worry about people seeing us with each other like we used to."

When Fuyumi stayed silent, he continued, "you said that, after the Games, you would give me a definite answer. And I just want to know, uh... because... well, yeah. We both know why."
"But my guild— I... Sabertooth and Fairy Tail are on good terms, now, I think... but Natsu, and the others..." Fuyumi managed out.

"Please, Yuyu," he stared at her desperately, "all this time, it's always been you, I'll stand with you through everything... do you... love me? I don't want a story, just a straight answer, do you love me?"

She clenched her jaw, "Sting, I've... you know I am not that good with words, but... ever since I have known you..."
"That's all I needed to hear," he grinned, "we gonna kiss now?"
"You're just asking straight up?!" she squawked.

He laughed and then tilted her chin up. She quivered in anticipation.
"You're not scared, are you?" he breathed, still grinning slightly.
"No... I'm never scared," she replied, "not of you, Eucliffe."
"That so, Dragneel?" he smirked.

A throat cleared in the entrance to the balcony. Both turned their heads to see not just Natsu, but the entirety of Fairy Tail and Sabertooth watching expectantly. Rogue gave a sly grin and a thumbs-up.

"Uh," Sting blinked.
"Get on with it, then," Gray smirked, arm slung around Rufus, who was apparently his new best friend.
"I'll most definitely be committing this moment to memory," the blond chuckled.

"Go away!" Fuyumi hissed at Natsu. The pink-haired man strode forwards. Lucy tried to stop him, squawking in defiance, but it was futile.

"Sting..." he said, "y'know, I've seen what you're about now. And, what, we've had our differences, you and I! But... so what? I say we let this happen! Whaddaya say, guys?"

He shouted it like it was a group vote as to whether Fuyumi and Sting were allowed to be together. The response he got was all cheers. He slung his arms around Sting and Fuyumi with a grin.
"Gowan then, kiss! As her big bro, I'm gonna trust you with this, so you better not mess it up!" Natsu winked.
"Yes— yes sir!" Sting nodded, even redder than before. It seemed he was much more confident now with Natsu's approval, even under the eyes of all of their friends.
"Get out of the way!" Fuyumi smushed a hand into Natsu's face and he fell over. In the same moment, she threw her arms around Sting's neck and finally kissed him. Sting fist pumped as he returned the gesture and everybody — everybody — cheered.

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