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In the end, magic clashed together in the battle of Wendy against Chelia — a Sky Dragon and a Sky God.

They both fought to the best of their abilities and drew, running out of time. Both of them gained five points each, and ended the match with a heartwarming moment — becoming friends.

That night, everybody was busy celebrating the magnificent turn of events for Fairy Tail — but not Fuyumi.


She wandered the streets, using her amplified senses to seek out her little sidekick — Sting.

It wasn't long before the two had sought each other out, Sting having the same idea as her.

"Fuyumi," he said, and she ran to him, pulling him in tightly.
"There you are," she sighed, relieved, "how are you after today's events?"

He pulled back slightly, still relaxing his hands on her waist.
"Uh... I'm cool," he said stiffly.
"Are you?" Fuyumi quirked a brow.

"Well... no. I'm not," he shook his head, "I didn't know that... I expected it from Erza, but... Cana? Really?"
Fuyumi chuckled, "Cana's a very special one, Sting. You mustn't judge a book by its cover."

"But her magic power... she never gave off the kind of energy she gave off today," Sting said, "since when was she so powerful? How did she get so strong within... well, three months between returning to your guild and then competing?"
"Fairy Tail has its ways," she shushed him, "Orga was pretty magnificent too, though. He's got an amazing magic."

"Yeah... we didn't know there were any others who used God Slayer Magic," he replied.
"Of course there are," Fuyumi giggled like he had been living under a rock, before making a second take, "I suppose Natsu and I thought we were the only Dragon Slayers, though..."

"Yeah. I'm not so dumb now," he scoffed in a joking way, "you've got to be feeling good, though. What, with both Fairy Tail teams climbing the ranks like it's nothing... you're drinking up the points like they're water."
"What can I say?" Fuyumi said with a gallic shrug.

Sting paused before speaking again, "I was surprised when they called Wendy out. I was expecting Gray or something."
"Yeah... I had her take my place," Fuyumi shook her head, "well, I suppose... initially, she was to compete, but she was attacked the night of the preliminary round. So I took her place then."

"You weren't chosen?" the blond seemed genuinely surprised at her words, "I don't wanna be... rude, or anything, but... how was Wendy chosen and you weren't?"
"I didn't want to be chosen. I don't know if the Master took that into consideration that I'd been by myself for the past seven years, or, maybe Rue told him... but either way, he chose Wendy over me. And I'm glad he did. Wendy is an amazing little girl, you know. She has so much talent."

"You speak really highly of her," he grinned, "she's just a kid, y'know?"
"Well... Natsu spoke highly of me when I was younger. What's the difference?" Fuyumi spoke.

"Natsu's your brother, of course he's going to speak highly of you. He practically worships the ground you walk on because you're his precious lil sis," Sting snickered as Fuyumi flushed.
"W-Wendy's just like my sister! In a way... she and I are, as far as we know, the only two Dragon Slayers who are... girls. Yeah, I'm close with Erza and Lucy and everyone else, but... Wendy's different. We get each other, and we were similar ages before they all vanished," Fuyumi explained.

"I guess so..." Sting hummed, "c'mon, let's walk."

With that, the two Dragon Slayers started to stroll leisurely along the dark streets of Crocus.

"Something on your mind?" Fuyumi asked. Sting groaned incoherently, before a smile smile graced his lips.

"I have this feeling that... I'm gonna fight Natsu tomorrow," he said, hope lacing his tone. Fuyumi bit her tongue, by now used to Sting's ramblings of how he was going to utterly obliterate Natsu if they crossed in the arena.

"You do?" she replied instead of whatever words she had swallowed.
"Yeah, I do. I don't know why, I just... have this feeling," he shrugged, "sorry. That's, uh."
"It's alright, Sting," Fuyumi reassured him, "I should have expected Natsu to become the topic of our conversation sooner or later. But I still stand by my previous words — if you do end up in that arena pitted against him, you won't win."

The blond seemed slightly disheartened by her words before his brow furrowed, "that's just making me want to win more, Yuyu. I think... I might beat him, just to prove you wrong for once."
She nearly flinched at the old nickname that had popped from his mouth, though she held down any physical reactions to it, "mm. That's because I'm always right, isn't it?"

"Yeah. So... I'm gonna prove you wrong. If I lose, you can kiss me," he said nonchalantly.
"I feel as if that's just a win-win situation for you," Fuyumi sighed.
"Well, it's not a loss for you, is it?" Sting grinned cheekily. She huffed a chuckle through her nose.

"You're right," she shook her head, "but all jokes aside... when, if you battle him... I hope you're alright afterwards. Because Natsu won't hold back. Not if it comes to you."
"I don't want him to hold back," Sting replied determinedly, "I want Natsu to give it his all. Because I will too."

Fuyumi contemplated his words and, for a second, she did ponder who would really win that fight. Up until now, she had been a firm believer in Natsu dominating Domus Flau and defeating Sting, but now...

No. It was silly to think, even for a second, that Sting could beat her big brother.

Although Sting was one of the alleged third-generation Dragon Slayers, who could open the Dragon Force at will when needed. And he had several more years of experience and rigorous training than Natsu, as well. Even if Natsu knew how to use is magic, incredibly so — he hadn't gone through the perhaps traumatic tutelage that Sting had undergone, and from such a young age too. Although Natsu was a very skilled man, it had been drilled into Sting from the ripe age of fourteen that it's all or nothing — win or die, essentially.

But in her mind, that paled in comparison to Natsu's believe of blood bonds — that man would do anything for his family, especially when it came to Fuyumi. She doubted there was a line he wouldn't cross for any member of Fairy Tail if need be. And now, knowing of how she had been treated by Sabertooth, by Sting all of those years ago, a bright fire had ignited inside the Dragon Slayer's body, one that would not go out without a fight.

"Either way, I do wish you the best if you go up against Natsu," she said quietly, "although he's my brother and I've seemed totally against Sabertooth during these Games, I'm... not against you. And I will take care of you if it comes to it, because Yukino told me of your lack of healers."
"Did she, huh..." Sting scratched his head, "you really mean that?"

"Yes. If you fail and nobody is there for you... I'm in your corner," she gave a small smile as she spoke, "and even though I won't dare to say it aloud around my guildmates... I'm rooting for you, too."
"Gee... thanks, Yuyu. That means a lot," he chuckled sheepishly, "maybe you haven't changed all that much since I last saw you."

She hummed and looked down at the cobbled street beneath her feet. Just then, it felt like they were the only two people in the world.
"I don't know what it is about you," Sting spoke again, "but just you... being around is comforting. I don't know if it's 'cause, well... I have, like, three friends right now, or because of something else... but being with you, right now, and last night and the night before — it's like a breath of fresh air after four years of drowning."

"I didn't think you a poet, Eucliffe," Fuyumi's eye glimmered mischievously.
"There's a lot you haven't got figured out about me, Dragneel," he replied.
"Oh, really?" she hummed, "I know that I give you the worst kind of motion sickness."

"That, you do," he grinned, "and I'll admit it wholeheartedly."

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