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When Fairy Tail A had walked back to their inn that night, they had found someone standing in front of their door.

It was Yukino.

"Business? With me?" Lucy had questioned, after they had allowed her into their room.
"Yes... I have important business with you, Lucy," Yukino said monotonously.
"What business could Sabertooth have?" Natsu's nose curled in disgust.
"Natsu, let's hear her out," Fuyumi frowned.

"I am not here to fight. These," with a clank, she slid her two Golden Gate keys across the coffee table towards Lucy, "Pisces, and Libra. My business is to place these two keys into Lucy's possession."

"Huh?! That... isn't possible. I can't take them," Lucy frowned.
"On the opening day, when I first saw you, I made the decision. When the Games were over, I'd give the keys over to you," Yukino spoke.

"The Games aren't over yet," Natsu said boredly.
"They are for me," Yukino averted her eyes into her lap. Fuyumi frowned at that, wondering what Sabertooth's master had pulled.

"I would suppose that Minerva will take my place," Yukino continued, "that will place the five strongest members of Sabertooth on the same team."
"You weren't one of the five?" Fuyumi questioned.
"I was merely a novice. Simply filling the place of Minerva while she was away on a job," Yukino clutched her hands together.

"Then, why would you do this? Those are your precious Spirits, aren't they?" Fuyumi folded her arms.
"That is exactly why I am entrusting them to an outstanding Celestial wizard," Yukino sighed, "it will bring happiness to those Spirits to be guided by Lucy."
"I-I'm happy for the compliment, but I don't think..." Lucy waved her hands.

"You have already gathered ten keys to the Twelve Golden Gates. If you add my two..." a serious expression overcame her face, "you can open the gate that changes the world."
"The gate that changes the world?" Lucy repeated aloud.
"It is an old legend. Nothing more. I do not understand the meaning of it myself... you may have already noticed, but over these past several years, the number of Celestial wizards has been rapidly dwindling," Yukino said, lowering her head, "just recently, there was the Zentopia incident. We two may be the only Celestial wizards left. You are one who is loved by the Spirits, and you love them in return. You must gather all twelve keys and move in concert with the Spirits."

Lucy hesitated, "no, I can't take them. Celestial Magic is a magic built on mutual bonds and trust... it isn't that easy to switch owners."

"I thought that this might be your reply," Yukino stood with a sigh, "it is obvious that when the time comes... all twelves keys will be gathered together again."

Lucy gave her a smile and then she bade goodbye. Fuyumi eyed her and strode across the room to Yukino.
"Would you like me to take you to your inn?" she asked her.
"Ah... are you sure it isn't too much trouble? I'm not staying with Sabertooth anymore," Yukino shook her head.

"You two act like you already know each other," Lucy hummed.
"Oh, it's nothing," Fuyumi shrugged, "I'll be back in a while, Lucy."

With that, Fuyumi and Yukino left. They were nearly at the inn Yukino stayed at when a pounding of footsteps came from behind them.

"Hey! Wait up, hey!"

Fuyumi turned in surprise.
"Natsu. Happy," Yukino said.

"'Scuse me for a second," Natsu grabbed Yukino and pulled her aside. Fuyumi's brow quirked as Natsu seemed to be profusely apologising to her.

All of a sudden, Yukino dropped to her knees with a sob.

A dark look came over Natsu and his eyes widened. With no other words, he turned and sprinted away.

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