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"Go face him," Erza commanded, "we have no path left but victory."
"R-right..." Fuyumi mumbled.

She swallowed the dryness in her throat and then swaggered into the arena, puffing out her chest in attempt to appear confident. If this man, Bacchus, had fought Erza and neither one had won... well.

"Hey..." Bacchus started as soon as Fuyumi was within earshot, "how about we make a bet like the two who fought here a minute ago?"
"Mm..." she only hummed in response, staring at the man.

"You're a really pretty girl. If I win..." a devilish sneer crossed his face, "I getcha for a night. And if you win, let's see..."

"What?!" Fuyumi gaped, "you dog! You..."
"So... our negotiation's settled, huh?" he grinned.

And then they leapt into action.

Well, more like, Bacchus leapt into action.

Despite Fuyumi's agility as a Dragon Slayer, this beast of a man was faster, making strikes quicker than she could counter or block. There must be a reason they called him the Drunken Hawk.

Although, despite his well-known alias, she hadn't seem him drink a drop of the liquor he'd brought onto the battlefield with him. That worried her.

"This battle is completely one-sided! Fuyumi can't lay a finger on Bacchus!"

"Y'know, it's gonna be a dream tonight with you, gorgeous!" he smirked whilst Fuyumi panted, propping a hand on her knee, "I like it!"

At the thought of having to spend a night with this dog, Fuyumi growled and went careening forwards.
"Ice Drive!" she shouted, throwing a wide punch as her body became cloaked with magic. Bacchus dodged her like she was a fly.

"I didn't know Fuyumi could do that," Lucy gasped.
"It has been seven years," Gray shrugged.

The Ice Dragon Slayer, her powers now amplified, threw swipe after swipe at the Drunken Hawk, who somehow kept on dodging. After a particularly wide kick towards him, he flipped under her body and sent a palm-strike straight into her jaw. She tasted the stone tang of her own blood as she bit down on her own tongue, retaliating with a quick swipe that didn't land. Bacchus spun around and smacked her with both palms like a windmill and she skidded along the ground.

With a noise, he leapt into the air and Fuyumi could only watch through double vision as he rained down on her, sending her sprawling once again.

"Could it be that Fuyumi can't get up?!"

"You'd better keep to our bet," Bacchus grinned.
"We... haven't even decided what happens on your end," she clambered to her feet, "our bet... what happens if I win?"
"It's completely impossible, so... say whatever you want!" he cackled.

"If I win... your guild name, for the rest of the Games..." she smiled, "will be Quatro Puppy. How humiliating."
Bacchus gave a hearty laugh, "okay, okay! It's decided! I guess... it's time for me to finish this."

He picked up his liquor bottle and drank the entire thing with a grin and a burp. Fuyumi's eyes widened as she tried to quickly strategise.
"Here it comes, Fuyumi!" she heard Erza's shout.

Fuyumi changed her stance quickly, closing her eyes and breathing in.
"No chance!" Bacchus leapt at her and she felt an assault of palm-strikes assault her torso - seven punches in only one instant!

He gave a cackle and turned to where the dust had flown up around the Ice Dragon Slayer from the force of his attacks, before he gave a pained gasp.
"My... my hands!" he shrieked - they were cut, red and raw.

When the dust settled, Fuyumi stood with a grin, her body cloaked in an even thicker layer of Ice Magic. Majority of her body was decorated with intricate, uranian-coloured scales - the outer edges of her face, her neck, her shoulders, and down the rest of her body.

"I can't get a hit on you, it seems," she said, "so I'll just have to let you hit me — a competition, in a sense, of who will break first."

"No way..." Gray's eyes widened.
"The Dragon Force?!" Lucy gasped.

"What do you say, Bacchus?" she raised a hand and beckoned him towards her.
"Heh! You're pretty fun," he grinned maniacally, pupils dilated, "a fight against a true Dragon... I feel my spirit trembling!"

And the volley started - Fuyumi withstanding his attacks, with a Dragon's enhanced endurance, and Bacchus fighting until his palms bled.

"Th-this is nothing short of heroic! It's less a battle of fists, and more two wills bashing up against each other! One straining the limits of attack... and the other straining the limits of endurance! So which... will come out the victor?!"

It ended with Bacchus' palms torn to shreds, blood dripping from them onto the ground before him, and Fuyumi's body red and bruised, smeared with the blood of the Drunken Hawk.

"Your name... is Fuyumi?" he panted, before giving a menacing cackle as he stood, staring at the kneeling Fuyumi.

"And the one standing is Bacchus!"

Fuyumi clenched her fists, trembling. How could she let her guild down like this?

Bacchus' power rivalled that of Erza's... why was she chosen to battle him? Why not the Fairy Queen herself?

"You... really are..." he grinned, "I-I can't wait to spend a night with you... pretty!"

"Ice... Dragon's... Sword Horn!" at that, Fuyumi, in a last ditch effort, burst forwards and head-butted him in the gut. He choked and then keeled backwards, falling backwards.

Screams erupted throughout the audience.

"He's down! Bacchus is down! The victor is Fuyumi! Fairy Tail A gains ten points!"

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