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The second day of the Grand Magic Games came around, however, Fuyumi couldn't stop herself from thinking about the events of the previous night.

"What's up with you?" Gray asked, turning his head towards his fellow Ice mage, "you seem on edge."
"Oh, it's nothing," she shook her head.
"It's not Sabertooth, is it?" he said, "Natsu filled us all in on your history with their White Dragon Slayer, and trust me, we'll get revenge for you."

"It's not really that big of a deal," Fuyumi started.
"It is when the name of our guild gets dragged into it," Gray cut her off, "and when you get dragged into it. Natsu already didn't take it lightly when he found out Sabertooth was slandering our name. When he found out what Sting had done to you, he was livid. So when he heard Sting was competing in this event, Chariot... well, he nosedived into it and wouldn't listen to reason."

"So... that's why we're in last place," Fuyumi chuckled, looking down at the war chariots, where every guild was ahead, except for Fairy Tail and, surprisingly, Sabertooth. Although, it wasn't so surprising to you — every Dragon Slayer's one downfall was obviously vehicles.

She watched as every other guild took the lead and suddenly, Bacchus, slammed a foot down and the chariots behind him flung up into the air. Her eyes searched for Natsu, Gajeel and Sting, all trailing along, far behind the pack.

Gajeel made an attempt to ram Sting off of the platform, only to not be able to work up any strength and sandwich Natsu between them.

And then, all of a sudden, Natsu gave a warcry and he and Gajeel wobbled forwards without Sting. Fuyumi watched in anticipation, gripping the stone walls.

"Answer me one question..." she heard Sting growl out to the two Dragons in front of him, "why did you guys even come to the Games? I'd never imagine the old Fairy Tail doing that! It's like, now you care how strong you are, or what other people think... the Fairy Tail I used to know marched to their own beat. They never gave a crap about what anybody thought!"

Fuyumi felt slightly disheartened at his words, but perked when Natsu started to shout back.

"It's for my friends! For seven years... all that time... they waited for us! It was hard on them... they had sad times..." he snarled, "they got humiliated, but they just endured it... and kept protecting the guild... it's for my family! I wanna show them... that Fairy Tail will live on! That's why I gotta move forward!"

Every last one of the Fairy Tail members who had been left for seven years, including Fuyumi, was reduced to blubbering tears, "Natsu..."

And with that, Gajeel and Natsu threw themselves across the finish line.

"Fairy Tail A, Natsu, comes in sixth for two points! And in seventh is Fairy Tail B, Gajeel, for one point! Sabertooth's Sting is out of the running with zero points!"

As soon as Natsu had been recovered from the event, Fuyumi raced to the infirmary to see him.
"Natsu!" she cried out, bursting in to see him in the bed next to poor Wendy's, as well as Lucy and Porlyusica.

"Will he be okay?" the blonde asked.
"No need to worry about him," Porlyusica replied, "it's nothing more than motion sickness."
"And Wendy?" Fuyumi added, making herself apparent.
"She's already well on the way to recovery," the pink-haired woman said.

"Carla, you're all better now?" Lucy crouched to speak to the Exceed.
"Yes," she replied.

Seeing Natsu was practically unconscious, Fuyumi bent down to ruffle his hair before she left.
"You did very well, brother," she smiled, "I'm proud of you."

With that she walked out, Lucy shortly in tow, to view the battle section of day two.

"The first match features the new guild that currently tops the rankings, Raven Tail's Kurohebi! Versus... Lamia Scale's Toby Orrolta!"

"Has the match already started?" Lucy wondered.
"I think it's just starting," Fuyumi replied.

"It looks like that dog guy from Lyon's guild is in the arena," Gray said.

However, in a flash, the fight was over with Lamia Scale taking the loss.
"No way... he didn't even seem like he got serious in that fight," Fuyumi said of Kurohebi.

She watched as the Raven Tail wizard extended a hand to Toby, who was floored, and wondered if maybe that guild was really all that bad. That thought was shredded along with the dog man's sock as Kurohebi destroyed it.

"That's too horrible! Now, to get the bad taste out of our mouths, here's our second battle... it's Bacchus from Quatro Cerberus! And from Fairy Tail A..."

"It's us?" Erza queried.
"What'll we do if they call for Natsu?" Lucy frowned.
"Beat him until he wakes up," Gray said flatly.
"This is the guy who fought Erza to a draw... isn't it?" Fuyumi fretted.
"It must be Erza against him, then," Lucy said, "surely?"

"... Fuyumi Dragneel!"

𝙉𝙄𝙂𝙃𝙏 𝙎𝙃𝙄𝙁𝙏 // 𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙭 𝙤𝙘Where stories live. Discover now