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The next thing everybody knew, the Games were even and something was happening.

A loud boom rang out through the city which caused everyone to look into the sky.
"What was that?!" Erza exclaimed.


"Come on!"

Despite all of the attacks being thrown, they had no effect on the Dragons.

"Sting?!" Fuyumi shouted. A sudden hold on her hand yanked her free from the crowd.
"There you are!" he grinned widely, "you okay?!"
Rogue stood beside him, a solemn expression.

"Yes!" she smiled.
"Lector, Frosch! Get back!" Rogue yelled.
"Yes sir!" Lector scampered away.
"Fro also!" the Exceed squeaked.

Rue glanced at her partner, eyes wide, before running off with Frosch and Lector.

"If my memory serves correctly, Sting and Rogue both said they killed Dragons when they were younger," Rufus said. The Twin Dragons sighed.
"You're half right," Sting looked at the ground.
"Skiadrum was ill," Rogue said shortly, "I did nothing but assist in his suicide."

Fuyumi quirked a brow.
'Maybe they didn't really kill their Dragons out of malice,' she thought, 'maybe... all this time, Sting made it out that he'd killed his father... to seem stronger?'

"I never imagined Dragons could be this powerful," Sting glanced back to make sure Fuyumi was still with him.
"Even so, I want to protect my friends," Rogue replied.

"Who cares?! Just get these guys with your Dragon Slayer Magic!" Orga shrieked.

There was another massive crash, and then Natsu's voice screeched out:

"Can you hear me?! Dragon Slayer Magic can take down these Dragons! Our Magic is meant for today! Right now! The whole reason we Dragon Slayers exist is to fight right now!"

Fuyumi raised her head to look up at the source of the voice — Natsu, on the back of a gargantuan Dragon.

The Twin Dragons looked at each other.
"Rogue, you take another Dragon! Help a guild without a Dragon Slayer!" Sting commanded.
"Right!" he nodded, "Fuyumi, stay with Sting!"

"Shouldn't I help out another guild without a Dragon Slayer?!" Fuyumi question.
"No," Sting said firmly, "I'm not letting you go ever again."

Fuyumi stared at him, an unreadable emotion in her blue eyes, but it was short-lived. In that moment, a Dragon came crashing down and Sting reacted immediately, sending a blast of White Magic into its muzzle.
"This ain't the courage to fight... it's the courage to protect my friends!" he yelled.
"Right!" Fuyumi smiled.

With that, both Ice and White Dragon Slayer leapt into battle with one another. Above, a battle between two Dragons raged.

"He's getting too much!" Sting tried to play his words off as a laugh, but it was clear he was beginning to panic at the idea of not being able to beat this Dragon.
"Come on!" Fuyumi grabbed his hand and leapt forwards, dragging Sting behind her. The Dragon gave close chase. She skimmed her free hand along the ground, which turned to ice. The Dragon slipped and its jaw slammed into the ground. Sting swung around, letting go of Fuyumi's hand.

"Holy Ray!" another blast of light shot into the body of the Dragon, the surrounding area going up in smoke.

"There's Rogue!" the Ice Dragon Slayer shouted. Up ahead was Rogue, standing ahead of a Dragon of his own. The two didn't seem to be battling, instead talking.
"Go help him!" Sting exclaimed, "I'll catch up!"
"Are you sure?!" she replied, eyes wide.
"Go!" he insisted. She stared and then let go of his hand, running towards Rogue.

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