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"I can't believe she ran away like that..." Bisca sighed, tucking a strand of green hair behind her ear.
"But, don't you think she looks a lot happier?" Alzack reasoned.

"She still ran away..." Mirajane sighed, "I wonder what happened, that poor girl."
"Poor girl?" Cana hiccuped, "I'd recognise that look on her face anywhere, y'know."

Majority of the guild members had gone home to bed already as the sun had set and night was approaching, however a few stayed to talk about the events of that day — mainly Fuyumi's disappearance.

"What look?" Bisca tilted her chin towards Cana.
"The look of love," Cana grinned cheekily, "she met a boy, obviously. A nice one."

"You know... Natsu did mention a boy watching them through the window when they were eating breakfast," Alzack said.
"You don't think they know each other, do you?" Bisca fretted, "he said he was staring with... what was it?"
"Death in his eyes," Mirajane said, "those were Natsu's words."

"I mean, there's only one way to know for sure," Cana shrugged, "ask Fuyumi yourselves."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"What were you thinkin' today?!" Natsu shrieked through a mouthful of noodles, "you could've gotten hurt!"
"Natsu, I didn't mean to," Fuyumi looked at her feet, "I'm sorry."

"Aww... Natsu, you made her sad," Happy whined.
"No, no! Aw, damn," Natsu sighed, "I didn't mean it. Jus' don't take shortcuts if you don't know 'em, alright?"
"Okay..." Fuyumi said, "I did have a run-in with a... really creepy man today, actually."

"You what?!" Natsu yelled.
"No, it's okay! I made a friend, also," she waved her hands, "this man came up to me, and he said he was going to take me back to you and Happy, but I didn't trust him. And then, he grabbed Isole's sash and I really thought he was going to take Rue and I away... and then, my new friend jumped in and saved us, before escorting us back to the guild."

"Oh. Great!" Natsu grinned, seemingly unfazed now, "I'm glad you're making friends outside the guild, Fuyumi."
"Me too..." Fuyumi smiled fondly, thinking of the grin plastered on Sting's face whenever Fairy Tail was mentioned.

"So? What was her name?" Natsu quirked a brow.
"N-name... yeah, um..." Fuyumi gulped, "I didn't catch it."
"Aw, man," the Fire Dragon Slayer sighed, "oh well. You're seeing her again, right?"
"Yes, I am," the young girl nodded, quivering slightly and hoping to keep Natsu under the impression that her newfound friend was, in fact, a girl, "I'm not sure when, but... hopefully soon."

"Great!" Natsu slurped up the last of his noodles, "it's good to see you comin' outta your shell."
"I agree," Happy purred happily, picking at the scraps of a fish alongside Rue.

"Thank you, guys," Fuyumi smiled, stretching.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"So you met that girl?"

Sting was laid in the grass alongside his partner and friend, Rogue, and their two Exceeds, Lector and Frosch.
"Yeah, I did," Sting grinned, watching up at the stars.
"And?" Rogue said. The four were using his cloak to lay on.

"And she was awesome," the blond said in an almost dreamy tone, "she's in Fairy Tail."
"Is she?" Rogue blinked, "that should have been obvious, I guess. She was with Natsu."

"Yeah, but when you came and told me that, I thought she was just... a fan of his, or something," Sting replied, "that's a thing, isn't it? Fans coming and bothering their idols in public."
"I guess so..." Rogue hummed.
"Fro thinks so too!" the tiny, green Exceed squeaked.

"I still can't thank you enough, dude," Sting turned his head to look at his friend, "it's been a huge ask."
"I've nearly been caught so many times," Rogue sighed, looking back at the blond, "but, you know... I guess this is what friends do for each other."

"Yeah. I'm really glad I met you," Sting smiled, "and that you've done this for me. Even if it was a bit stalker-ish, I just... couldn't bring myself to talk to her without knowing about her."
"It's fine. I'm glad you intervened when you did earlier, though, otherwise something bad could have happened to her," Rogue answered, "maybe it was fate for you two to meet."

"What do you mean?" Sting asked.
"Well... today, it was the only day I wasn't looking for her. We just happened to come across her, in a shady alleyway, with some weirdo trying to kidnap her," Rogue explained, "maybe... it was just destiny, that we were in the right place at the right time."

Sting hummed, deep in thought, before rolling back to look up at the sky, hands behind his head.
"Y'know, Rogue, you might be right," he said, "maybe it was fate. It was, like... written in the stars, or something."

"That's so corny," Lector chimed in.
"Leave it out, Lector. Fuyumi was really nice," Sting shook his head, "y'know, she's got a cat too. A girl cat."
"Really?!" Lector exclaimed.

"Not so corny anymore, huh?" Sting grinned, "I think you guys would really like her."
"You think so?" Rogue frowned, "are you sure she wouldn't..."

"She's really nice and polite, Rogue. She seemed understanding enough. Plus, she's a Dragon Slayer too," the blond said, "she wouldn't run away from you."
Rogue inhaled sharply and then nodded, "if you say so."

"You don't get to meet her just yet, though. I wanna get to know her first," Sting continued, "what if she sees you and falls head-over-heels for you?"
"I don't think that's possible," Rogue replied with a chuckle.
"You never know," Sting shrugged.

"Out of us two, I think you're the one with the winning smile," Rogue said, "you're the most likeable."

The two of them sighed, before Frosch piped up.
"Fro is glad everyone met," he said.
"Me too," Lector sighed groggily.

"Yeah... I love you guys," Sting grinned.
Rogue gave a chuckle before replying, "yeah, yeah, you crybaby. We love you too."

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