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A week later, the eight eligible wizards were called to Hargeon to take off to the island.

Fuyumi didn't go to see them off.

"I really think we should go, Yuyu," Rue frowned, "e-even if you and Natsu fell out... you should see him off."
"No," she huffed, "he's had all week to properly apologise to me. He can do it when he's home."

Rue sighed to herself - there was no convincing her.
"I don't want to just sit around all day, though," she said.
"Let's go find Sting and Rogue, then," Fuyumi suggested.
"We always hang out with them!" Rue exclaimed.

"Because they're our best friends, and we haven't seen them in a while," Fuyumi answered, "you can stay if you want, but I'm going to see them."
Rue harrumphed, folding her little arms, before sighing, "I'm going to Hargeon."

"Will you make it there by yourself?" Fuyumi asked.
"Yeah, I will. I'll see you soon," with that, Rue flew into the air and zoomed away. Fuyumi gritted her teeth - Natsu was even getting Rue over her.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"Is that Fuyumi?" Rogue raised his head at the sound of footsteps approaching through the snow. At his words, Sting's neck snapped in the same direction to see Fuyumi running towards them.

"Fuyumi," Sting said, "what the heck are you doing here? Your guildmates are leaving for their test-thing, aren't they?"
The Ice Dragon Slayer skidded to a halt, "I didn't want to go."

"Why not? You—" he started, but stopped short as his eyes fell to her wrist, "what happened to you?!"
"Nothing, don't worry," she sat down in the snow next to Sting, "hey guys."

"Hi," Rogue said shortly.
"No, I want to know what happened!" Sting persisted.
"How have you been, Rogue?" Fuyumi ignored him.
"Alright, thank you," he said, "and you?"
"Fuyumi!" Sting hissed.
"Good, thanks," she replied.

"Fuyumi," he furrowed his brow.
"Natsu and I had an argument," she huffed, "that's all."
"Natsu did that to you?" Rogue tilted his head, staring at the raw, red skin of her arm.

"He- he didn't mean to," she sighed, looking at the ground, "it's my fault really. We were arguing and I tried to leave, and he grabbed me to stop from leaving, and I guess it was just... in the heat of the moment."
"Ha," Lector grinned at the pun. Sting smacked him in the head.

"Oh," Rogue said.
"And you didn't fight back?" Sting questioned.
"It was hardly a fight, and he didn't mean to," Fuyumi shrugged, "I haven't seen him since then, though."
"Haven't you been home?" Rogue asked.

"No, I've been staying all over the place. Last night I stayed with Lucy," she replied. Sting and Rogue both frowned.
"Don't you think you should see him off at least? Y'know, wish him luck," Sting said.
"He'll be fine without my luck," Fuyumi rolled her eyes, "the test won't take that long. I'll reconcile with him when he's back."

"If you say so..." Rogue hummed, looking at his Exceed partner. Frosch was asleep on his thigh, snoring adorably.
"Where's Rue?" Sting looked around for your own cat.
"She went to Hargeon to see them off," Fuyumi said flatly.

"You just let her go on her own?" Rogue said, slightly taken aback, "I couldn't imagine doing that with Frosch."
"Frosch isn't the brightest, though. Adorably naïve," Fuyumi reasoned.
"Mhm. The wheel's definitely spinning, but the hamster's dead," Sting agreed.

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