Edward Cullen and Jacob Black X reader part 5

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*Three Days Later*

(Edwards pov)

The music of Rio de Janeiro was calming.
Yet it didn't settle my raging nerves since the sun is what's keeping me inside instead of hunting Victoria.
The only thing that would keep me calm until the sun sets would be to see Y/n.
Only she is a hundred thousands of miles away.
I rubbed my eyes and temples.
'If only I could sleep then I would dream of Y/n'.
I got up and went to my bedside dresser where I kept a picture of Y/n and me, and her cat crookshanks.
Alice gave Y/n a copy and me one, like she knew I would need it.
Yet it hurt to look at it at the same time cause my mind imeaditly goes back to when I lied to her.

(Flash back)

Y/n was stiff and looked at me heart broken.
She backed up when I reached out for her.
She then said as i kept coming forward.
"Edward don't-".
I stopped and so did she, her hand shacking and she turned away from me and said, voice going deep.
"Your secret is important that I understand.
I would of kept it anyway.
But You didn't have to lie to me".
She ran away from me, faster than any human should.
I should of went after her, I could feel the pull to go after her.
I moved to late and called out or her.
"Y/n come back please"!
I hanged back and said softly.
"I'm so sorry".
(End of flash back)

I said lightly touching the picture.
"I'm so sorry".

Ringing interrupted the peace I was beginning to feel and I was confused.
I pulles out my phone to see an unknown number.
I answered it anyway, knowing that Alice probably had a vision of my new number.
No way she would call me without a reason.
I said softly.
Alice was paniced, and scared, of who i had no idea, the why I was going to find out.
"Edward, Victoria is going after Y/n".
I stood up imeaditly and said.
"Are you sure"?
Alice said.
"I haven't seen Y/n's future in four month and two weeks.
Only saw Victoria's choice to hunt her and Bella down".
I then said looking out side, the sun was slowly setting.
"Are they okay"?
Alice then said.
"Yes, but something or someone is protecting them.
All I saw was an invisible feild surronding Y/n's house, Bella was inside and Y/n's eyes were Amber as she looks out into the woods".
I then asked Alice as the sun finaly sets.
"Okay, keep an eye on them, I'm going to see if I can stop Victoria if she isn't already in Forks".
I hanged up and exited my window and ran out of Rio.
'Don't worry Y/n, I'm going to find Victoria kill her and return to you, I promise'.

(Y/ns pov)

The Newton's shop was almost deserted, save for a couple members of staff and the two hikers that came in.
I was gathering hiking gear and boots for me.
Mike came over and said seeing what I had in the cart.
"Wow Y/n, your planning on a hiking or camping trip"?
I nodded and said pushing the cart up the isle to the check out easily.
"Hiking trip, can't be to carefull.
I'm not the only one going though, with the grizzly out there safty in numbers".
Bella then said, knowning Mike didn't know that we are going on the hiking trip with Jacob.
"You might want to grab a big jar of honey from the market before you go".
I smiled and said as I gave her the cash to pay for all of it.
"Good idea".
Mike went to help other customers and Bella said, once we exited the store, helping me to put everything in the trunk.
"So we still on for the movies "?
I nodded and said rubbing my neck.
"Yep, but i cant help but have a sinking feeling somethings going to happen to night.
(I shock my head.)
I don't know it could just be nerves about the cold that's been going around".
Bella then said, making it sound like a question.
"Aren't werewolves supposed to have stronger immune systems than humans"?
I looked at her and said.
"We do, only when it gets closer to the full moon.
Until then I'm mostly human".
Bella nodded and said teasing.
"That can shift into a werewolf at will when she wants during the day".
I shrugged my shoulders and nodded while smiling.
I asked once everthing is packed.
"So are Angela and ben going to meet us at the theater with jessica and Mike"?
Bella then said.
"Sadly Jessica caught the cold and Angela did to.
Ben's looking after Angela, Jessica is staying home".
I ahhed and said.
"Ahh that's a shame.
(I pulled out the cosplay outfits i got for Jessica and Angela along with Ben.)
Maybe we should visit them before going home.
It always cheers me up when someone comes to check on me".
Bella then asked looking at one of the werewolf wolf outfits.
One I made of my own design, mostly gray and must tones and some fur.
Sliver jewerly, fur heeled boots, furry purse and hat.

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