Dimitri Belikov x reader

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(((A/n: Y/ns introduction is based on the alternative opening to Vampire academy and rose intro when the guardians take her and Lisa back to the academy.
Quotes you may find can be found on the internate or the twilight books .)))
((A/n: there will be no threat to Y/n, Lisa and rose in this fiction.
Just the meotion of them runing aeay and Y/n being attack and the girls ran for her safty, and Lisa's mom, dad and brother are alive, enjoy)).

(Y/n's Intro)

Before we begin with the story, let me introduce myself.
My name is Y/n Maria Dragomiri and I just want to confirm one thing.
Vampires do indeed exist in this world.
How do I know this?
Easy, I'm a vampire myself.
But theres a few things you should know about us.
We aren't like the vampires you read about in books or seen in movies.
Vampires don't become bats and we don't wear caps.
Though caps were cool, they just weren't practical.
Sun light leaves nasty sun burns but it doesn't kill us and we don't sparkle like the vampires you seen in twilight.
Humans think we're a myth, and in retro aspect, it was probably a good thing they think we're just stories.
Because a long time a go, in Romania there lived an earily race of beings  known as the Moroi.
A group of peacefull, kind and enchanting motral vampires that can manipulate the four elements.
Earth, air, fire and water.
But some Moroi are more special than others.
Me and my sister Lisa are one of them.
A secret government unknown to human kind altenrates leaders from the 12 royal families.
Moroi vampires lived secretly along side humans for years, and since moroi are vampires, we feed on blood.
But some Moroi went to far when feeding on humans, and it transformed them into evil immortal beings.
They are known as the strogoi, they are the vampires that come from your own worst nightmare.
The strogoi tried to wipe out the Moroi, but a third group of vampires entered the fight to protect the Moroi.
They are the dhampir, like mine and Lisa's best friend Rose Hathaway.
The dhampir are ospring of human and Moroi mating.
These warriors vowed tp protect the Moroi's and their battle between the strogoi has been going on for centuries in the shadows over the passing centuries.
Moroi with the ability to perform all four magic's are rare.
Moroi like me are even rarer.
Which is why me, my baby sister Lisa, and Rose ran away from Vampire Academy.
Or should I say that someone came up behind me and knocked me out then I woke up besides Rose and Lisa with a very bad head ache on a bus.
There was no way it was Rose, I would of smelled her coming up from behind me.
So who ever was it was that wanted us out of the academy, did it to protect us.

(Y/n's pov)

We've been on the run for a year.
Now we were in Portland Oregon and life outside the Academy walls was actually kind of nice.
Except for the danger of coming across a Strogoi.
I just gotten back from working the grave yard shift at the blood bank.
When I heared the softest meow greeting me when I closed the door to the garage of the apartment complex me, Rose and Lisa are staying at.
I lifted up my helments protective glass screen and smiled seeing my little gray kitty Nicolas.
Waiting by the door that leads up to my apartment with the girls.
I choose to name him Nicholas after the character Nicholas Burkheart from the Grimm series, which I just gotten into after we moved to Portland.
It was about a month of us settling into our apartment and my job.
So me and Lisa along side Rose were comeing back from our girls day out to celebrate my paycheck.
Where we came across two stray kittens in the alley next to our apartment complex.

(Flash back)

I had a couple bags hanging off my arm, so did Lisa, rose was walking beside me holding only one bag.
We were walking back home from our trip to the mall because I just gotten paid.
I looked at rose and I said softly.
"Rose are you sure that shirt was the only thing you wanted?
We can go back and check out the other stores"
She smiled and turned to me speaking.
"Your sweet y/n.
But I'm sure, you just gotten your first sizable pay check and I don't want it all to be spent on me".
I nodded and then I heared it, a noisethat sounded like a meeh.
Rose stopped and got infront of me and Lisa while she said after handing me her bag.
"Y/n Lisa stay here".
I turned to the alley and heared two tiny heart beats and I stopped Rose by speeding infront of her after setting mine and her stuff down.
I said softly as I looked inside.
"Rose wait, it's not strogoi".
She then asked while looking at me.
"Then what is it princess"?
I narrowed my eye at her and looked inside.
Lisa was backing away from the alley just in case something came at us.
Not a fan with what animal lerks in alley ways.
And it showed more in her voice.
"Please let it not be a rat".
I took a wiff of the alley and said before going I.
"Doesn't smell like it".
I then went in said after finding two kittens in a cardboard box.
"Its not a rat".
Nicholas and Oscar were only a week old back then.
So tiny that I could hold each of them in my hands.
I came out and Lisa said seeing the kittens.
"Oh my god.
(Oscar squeaked and Lisa looked at me when I handed her Oscar.)
Their so tiny".
I held Nicholas to my chest, he was needing on my shirt, suckling the fabric and I kept both hands around him as he cried from not getting any milk.
I lightly bounced him to calm him down and he began purring as I spoke.
"It's okay little one, you and your litter mate are staying with us".
Lisa was excited and it showed in her voice.
"Really we can keep them"?
Rose then said coming towards us.
"Guys our land lord won't allow us".
I looked at her and said.
"Our land lord is a sweet young woman that will understand.
(I held Nicholas to Rose's eye level and said while petting him.)
And look at them, she won't say no to this face".
Rose was going to protest but stopped as she looked at Nicholas who had his eyes closed.
She smiled softly while Nicholas meowed.
She touched his head lightly .
"I guess we can keep them".
Lisa then said while holding her kitten.
"I think ill name mine Oscar,
(Lisa looked at me and said.)
What you going to name yours Y/n"?
I then said while looking at the kitten, the name Nicholas ringing in my mind.
At the time i thought it was because I was remembering the Grimm series peaking from my bag.
"I'll name him Nicholas".
Rose knew the name and she said began petting Nickoals.
"He does look like alittle Grimm.
(She looked to or car and said.)
Welcome to our little family Oscar and Nicholas".
Lisa perked up and said smiling.
Excited to go back out shopping.
"We need to get cat formula and litter boxes".
I nodded and saod.
"A a few other things.
But those stuff can be got tomorrow.
The formula we need to get now".
We began walking after grabbing our stuff, rose comment lazily and happily.
"And into the woods we go".
I laughed and said adding to her joke that me and Lisa could hear rose thinking of where she got it.
"Of pet essentals, accessories and be home before dark".
Our laughs echoed in the Portland night air, making it magical.

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