❤️‍🔥📖A Tale of Grimm Love📖❤️‍🔥

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((🌹🔍Detective Nick Burkhart x Reader🔎🌹))

((🐕‍🦺Soulmate Au Part 5🐕‍🦺))

(Nick's Intro)

My Aunt Marie said that love is a precious gift and yet a powerful tool to be wielded by and wielded against the person experiencing it, so stand guard, trust in your family, your allies and your soulmate. Protect the love you feel, cherish it and if someone uses it to hurt you through your soulmate, use it as fuel to fight against those who will do you and your perfect match harm.

(Nick's Pov)

My father also said that if your perfect match is stubborn like your mother, don't argue and be there to protect her.
As I looked out the window of the passenger side of mine and Hanks cruiser, I couldn't help but think back to my fathers advice as I worried about Y/n. Was that how my dad felt when my mom was in the presence of danger? If it were, how did he handle it and how do I handle it?
And why do I feel like this was just the beginning?
Hank said as he got back in after talking to Emma Jackson.
"It's not Emma Jackson and I checked the boots she had to the print we found by the university students body, not a match".
I then said as I looked back over the email.
"Then that means it's Odest Bane".
Hank then said as I looked over the address and route.
"Y/n has an uncanny way of discovering the killer without hitting dead ends".
I then said looking at Hank.
"Her father was a cop, her mother a consultant with the police department he worked at.
They taught her all she needed to know before she went into middle school".
Hank then said.
"So she was homeschooled to be a cop and to look for stuff in the most unlikely of places".
I nodded and I said pulling up Odest Banes route, not surprised that the route matched where the end of the short cut in the woods appeared.
"They in turn nurtured the greatest female cops instincts, obersvarional skills and intuition".
Hank then said starting the cruiser back up.
"I kind of feel bad for the bad guy, you heard what Wu said when Y/n discovered the lead right?, she was vicious".
I then said softly.
"I only saw her like this on her first, unofficial, case, the little boy she saved was only 4 and he couldn't let her go because he was afraid the monster that took him would come back".
Hank then said shocked as he looked at me.
"That was Her"?
I nodded and Hank said looking like he saw a ghost.
"Remind me to never piss her off, wow man,
Your crush is bad***".
I then said softly as I rubbed over the fidget ring I kept on a simple chain I wore, the ring Y/n gave me when I needed an outlet for stress during our final studies.

I then said softly as I rubbed over the fidget ring I kept on a simple chain I wore, the ring Y/n gave me when I needed an outlet for stress during our final studies

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"I'm worried about her Hank,
(I looked at him as I said.)
I've seen her like this before, but it's different, worse even.
(I then said watching my surroundings.)
I'm afraid she'll burn herself out and put herself in danger".
Hank then said patting my arm after he parked the car.
"Then it's a good thing that she has you to look after her, her knight in shining armor that will protect her from the wicked witch".
I took a breath and Hank said.
"And from what I saw, she feels the same way.
(I looked at him shocked as he said.)
The only reason a head strong woman like that would listen is because she understands and doesn't want to cause the person she loves pain.
(He then said.)
And I must admit Nick, you look like death warmed over,
(He then said pointing out.)
More so now after what happened to Y/n, you okay man"?
I then said as I told him about what happened with Juliette over the phone.
"I broke it off with Juliette,
(Hank looked shocked at me and I continued.)
We both noticed that our relationship is lacking the spark we had in the beginning.
(I then said rubbing my eyes.)
After what happened last night, I realized Juliette, while she's a nice girl, she isn't the woman I lay down my life for".
Hank then said lightly smiling.
"So Y/n is really the future Mrs. Burkhart".
I then said as I pulled out the fidget ring.
"I think she has been for a while,
(Hank looked at the ring and I said.)
She got it for me when she saw the stress of finals was getting to me, I was anxious and not getting much sleep until she came home from shopping.
She gave me this ring telling me, 'if you ever get stressed Nick, sit back and spin the ring'.
(The sound of the ring spinning made noise as I said smiling.)
This ring quickly became the most important ring in my life because she put so much thought and care into it for me".
Hank then said smiling as we looked at the address of Odest Bane the USPS manager sent Y/n.
"Then let's get this Bas**** and get the little girl home so Y/n can have some peace to heal".
We walked to the house, it was supposed to go like this, we find the evidence on Odest and the girl and arrest the bad guy.
Only a woman opened the door and Hank said.
"Hello ma'am, I'm detective Hank Griffin this is my partner Nick Burkhart.
We like to speak to your husband or boyfriend Odest Bane please".
The woman then said, confusion apparent on her face as said.
"There's no Odest Bane here and I'm the only person who lives here".
I then said, panicked by the information.
"Are you sure ma'am? He's a postman and suspected of kidnapping a child.
We need to find him before it's too late, any information you can give us will be very helpful ".
The woman looked sick as she said.
"A postman?
(She then said covering her mouth.)
Oh God,
(She then said to me.)
Earlier this year I was looking to buy a house, I was checking this one out with the real estate agent when we came out to see this weird postman watching us".
Hank then said looking at me.
"This house was vacant so no one could find him-".
I finished for him.
"If they suspect him of the mauling Munson Creek Falls.
(I turned to the woman.)
Ma'am if you got a good look at him, do you think you can give our sketch artist at the Portland Police department an accurate description"?
The woman nodded, still looking sick as she said.
(She then said.)
My name's Sarah Cox, let me grab my coat and purse ".
Hank then said as we waited for Sarah.
"Y/n's so good it terrifys me".
I then said.
"That's why Captain Sean said Y/n's called the Dark Knight of LA by her colleagues and boss ".
Hank then said knowing the title because he watched the tim Burton movies of Batman with me and Juliette.
"If Batman was a woman and she is much better than a comic book hero".
Hank then said knowing how Y/n will be if we leave her out.
"Speaking of which, you better call to let her know the development we discovered on Odest Bane,
(He held his hands up.)
I rather be on her good side, and she'll follow the trial to him even if we don't tell her;
(He then said a fact that drove the point home.)
At least this way she'll presue him safely".
I nodded and I said, pulling out my phone as I walked to the car.
"Your right".
Sarah came out and following Hank to the cruiser.
The phone ringed twice before Y/n picked up.
"Nick what did you find"?

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