Sam Uley x reader Part 2

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(Y/n's Pov)
The next couple of weeks consisted of restless nights and hanging out with Bella and Jacob before I caught sight of the alpha again.
I was playing with Blackmoore, now nearly standing past my calf, to keep him out of the garage so he didn't accidentally hurt himself while Jacob worked on the motorcyclyes Bella found.
I call them death traps on wheels, because if you don't have a good center of gravity and confidents to not lay on the bikes body and have your feet off the ground, you can bet your butt you will become street pizza in no time.
I was low on the ground, getting my shirt dirty with pieces of grass and wet mud as I zig zagged with Blackmoore doing the same.
The little sneak stood and lifted his paw playfully, then he tapped my shoulder and I said dramatically.
"Oh no I've been defeated by the all mighty championship of wrestling"!
I fallen to the ground holding my arm.
Blackmoore stood near my head as I said.
"I surrender".
He began licking my face repeatedly and I laughed while grabbing him and pulling him to me as I said.
"Got ya".
He was constantly rubbing into me as I pet him when I felt the hairs on my arm standing on end.
I looked up and I saw him, the alpha of LA Push down the street.
Bella was coming out calling to us when I was snapped back into reality.
"Yo Y/n Blackmoore Jacobs taking a break, and if you don't hurry I can't say that there'll be any pizza left with Jacob around".
I nodded absently as I said standing up.
I turned away and me and Blackmoore ran into the garage.
Bella gave me and blackmoore some pizza when Jacob noticed I was silent.
He then spoke up.
"You okay Y/n you look like you seen a spook".
I then said softly as I chewed my pizza.
"Not spooked, I'm just confused.
(I pointed out the garage door and said.)
Theres someone out there and I think he was watching me and Blackmoore play.
(Jacob immediately stood up and went out and Bella came to my side as I continued.)
I seen him once before outside the vet clinic, only he was with a group of guy that I can mistake them as his little brothers".
Jacob came back in and he said.
"You saw Sam and his little gang,
(Jacob rubbed his face and said.)
The guy you saw again just now was Sam.
(Jacob looked out and said.)
He's got a lot of nerve,
(Jacob then turned to me and asked softly.)
Are you okay, he didn't scare you did he"?
I shook my head and I said as I pet Blackmoore.
"No, but I admit my nerves were wracked when I noticed he's been standing there staring but other than that I'm okay".
Blackmoore nuzzled into me and I said looking at Blackmoore.
"Besides, Blackmoore was outside with me,
(I then baby voiced with Blackmoore as I rubbed his furry neck.)
in case someone tried to sneak up on us, Blackmoore will be on them in a jiffy hu boy".
Blackmoore barked and gave me a couple of kisses.
Bella then said as she pet him too.
"And call us in case anything got out of hand.
(Bella then looked to Jacob.)
What the heck was Sam doing here"?
Jacob shrugged his shoulders as he sat down beside us, petting Blackmoore's back, calming him down as he spoke.
"He could of been here to talk to my dad.
Sam is sort of like the local hero because he keeps the guys y/n saw with him out of trouble.
Lately I noticed he was watching me, like he's waiting".
I had my back straightened when I heard this, looking at Jacob when he said that.
'He's going to shift soon, Sam knows it.
(I covered my eyes and cursed myself, wondering why I haven't seen it sooner.)
He can sense it,
(Senseing the wolf Jacob might become was beginning to reach me and I was brought back to how I felt when I first shifted.)
Just like how dad did when I was 16'.
I uncovered my eyes and I looked at Jacob and asked.
"Did you tell your dad about this"?
Jacob nodded and said.
"He says that I'm just overthinking things, says Sam's a good guy helping the struggling youth.
(Jacob shook his head and he said to me.)
To tell you the truth Y/n, I'm scared.
I feel like something Is going to happen to me".
'I was scared to, but I knew I had my father to help me every step of the way, with the knowledge about my heritage that I wouldn't have had under traditional circumstances and I wasn't scared anymore.
Jacob just needs to know he doesn't have to be scared, it be too much to tell him the truth on the how now'.
I then asked, my voice stern, controlling my anger so I don't shift and scare Bella and Jacob who might shift in fright at the sudden threat in his home.
"Has Billy ignored your concern before"?
Jacob nodded, so I took hold of his hand and said.
"You can come to us with anything okay.
(I then said as I looked to bella.)
No matter what happens Jacob,
If this happens again you can come to stay with me, I have a spare room at my cabin".
Bella nodded and said.
"And I'm sure Charlie can lend the couch until what ever is going on winds down okay".
Jacob nodded and smiled as he lightly smiled looking to me and Bella.
"Thank you guys, I might take you up on your offer".
Charlie's cruiser pulled up and I said, noticing the darkened skies.
"Is it almost dusk already"?
Bella nods and says smiling .
"Oh before I forget, theres this new movie in theaters called face punch, you guys like to see"?
I grimaced and Said.
"Is that the one with all the gun fire, guts and blood?
(Bella nods and I covered my mouth as I said, already fighting the nausea.)
I saw the trailer, it looked like the director was trying too hard to make Face punch like a hard kill but ended up with the retail version".
I shock my head to clear my head as Bella said.
"You seen hard kill, isn't that movie like 17 and older, your 16".
I shook my head and pulled out my Id card and said showing it to her.
"I'm not seventeen, I'm turning 20 this coming May".
Bella's eyes widened and Jacob clapped as he said smiling.
(Jacob then teased Bella.)
You owe me five bucks".
I then said, lightly smiling looking at both my friends.
"You guys placed a bet on how old I am"?
Bella nods as she gives Jacob the five dollars as she spoke.
"Jacob said you were nineteen while I said you were 17 max,
(She then explained her reasoning.)
In all fairness you look like you can pass for 15".
I nodded and I said, lieing easily.
"My mother always told me that worry creates more wrinkles than old age.
(I pulled out creme that I use to relax the muscles in my face after every shift' mom made for me.)
And I use this to relax the muscles in my face, it also does wonders for the skin".
Bella smiled and said my mother's name.
(Bella looked at me and said.)
Where did you by this".
I then said the one thing that's the truth.
"My mom made it for me,
(I then tapped her name.)
And Crystal isn't the name of the creme brand".
Bella then said.
"It's your mothers name".
Charlie must of got out to talked to Billy while we spoke, cause I heard the sound of his footsteps meeting the wet ground before we caught sight of him.
I then said yawning.
"Well me and Blackmoore got to get home before it gets to dark".
Blackmoore followed me and Bella said.
"We're going to meet you at the theater for Face punch right"?
I nodded and I said smiling shrugging my shoulders.
"Yeah sure, I'll see you guys then,
(I then said as I looked at Blackmoore and I said.)
If the theater doesn't allow animals in I'm going to have to look for a pet sitter".
Bella waved her hand and said.
"Don't worry I'll think of something".
I smiled as I said to Blackmoore.
"Okay Buddy let's go".

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