🛟 🚨 Light Speed 🚨 🛟 Power Rangers Carter Grayson x reader

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***** Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva *****

(Y/n's Intro)

My mother always told me that life doesn't throw you anything that you can't handle; that they are important, though however tragic some you'll experience may be, are crucial to making you stronger.
But she also said that when you experience love for the first time, it will hit you out of nowhere and straight to the heart.

(Y/n's Pov)

I learned a long time ago to listen and take my mother's advice to heart, more so after she passed.
But sometimes my heart won't listen to my head and in that conflict, my conscience becomes the mediator in the form of dreams, well, more like nightmares that end as dreams.


Like how many of my nightmares start, it's to the sound of a crackling fire licking the walls of the apartment complex I was living in after my mother passed, and the smell of smoke, that was also a strangely pungent scent of wood & paint thinner.
Then I opened my eyes and was greeted with the sight of a smoke filling up the empty space not touched by the fire just yet and feeling powerless to move, almost paralyzed as the oxygen from my lungs is being sucked out.
Then I began moving, feeling weightless yet slower than a sloth.
I got out of my room and heard a child, my neighbor, Jane's daughter Elly crying.
I then said rushing to her.
She then said as she tried to reach the window and then get to the fire escape.
"I can't reach and I can't find my mommy".
I then said, calming her down because i could feel her fear as I hugged her to me while picking her up and quickly opening the window with no difficulty.
"Don't worry Elly, I got you okay,
(I helped her get a good grip on the fire escape and i said.)
Once we're both safety on the ground, I'll stay with you till your mother comes to get you okay".
Elly nodded and she gasped as we both turned to the hallway, looking in the general direction of her apartment she lives in with her mom where we heard the sound of puppy barking.
Elly began climbing back up to me as she said crying.
I then said stopping Elly by placing my hand on her shoulders.
"No Elly I'll get him,
(The light speed fire rescue department finally arrived on scene and that's when my eyes meet the one and only Carter Grayson Captain of the light speed fire department.
But my fouces was on the sound of Elly's new puppy barking as I saw Elly wanted to come with me.)
I promise I'll be out in two shacks of a lambs tail okay,
(Tears were leaking from Elly's eyes and I said hugging her.)
I promise munchkin.
(I let her go and said )
Now go, and keep a good grip on the bars as you climb down alright"?
Elly then said, shacking, getting back onto the platform.
"I can't I'm to scared".
I then said shrugging my jacket offhanded it to her.
"Then stay on the platform do you understand, I'll be right back".
I quickly rushed back down the hall and entered my neighbors apartment without a second thought.
Seeing poor tiny litte Jasper trapped and cornered in the living room.
I then said grabbing a blanket.
"I'm coming Jasper".
I threw the blanket onto the flamed fence keeping Jasper from running to me.
The sudden invasion of smoke made me cough
When the fire fence was no longer caging him, he bolted straight towards my open arms and I said as I walked weakly out of there.
"I got you Buddy, someone's going to be very happy to see you again and that your okay".
I got thought the window and Elly said as I handed her jasper.
She held Jasper tightly to her and I said, picking them both up after she wrapped Jasper in my coat.
"Okay Elly, make sure you have your good arm on Jasper,
(I picked her up and she wrapped her free arm around my neck before I could even ask her to.)
And put an arm around my neck, good girl".
I began slowly climbing down when the metal of the fire escape began to creak above us and thats when I heard Elly's mom Jane yell from the ground.
"No Y/n, Elly climb down faster"!
Carter's voice was what I heard next when I had to hug myself, Elly and poor little Jasper to the ladder.
"Their not going to make it in time,
(He then looked to the members of the light speed rescue fire department who became my friends when I joined the station a year later.)
Get the air bag trampoline now".
I then said as Elly cried into my shoulder as the feeling got louder.
"Don't worry sweetie I won't let anything happen to you okay".
Elly then said asking softly.
"You promise Miss Y/n"?
I nodded and that's when the top of the ladder snapped.
Since it was weight bearing one adult, one child and a puppy, we leaned backwards and I lost my grip because the snap crack went straight under my palm.

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