Chapter 14

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It was early in the morning as Y/N, Anne, and Sprig were walking through the woods. Well actually Anne was walking while Y/N was jumping from tree to tree and Sprig was hopping and climbing over logs and rocks.

Anne: "Do we always have to hang out in the woods? You have a perfectly good living room."

Sprig: "Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature."

Y/N: "Yeah Anne. Learn to live a little."

While we continued down the path Anne saw a ladybug getting eaten by a spider.

We heard a bush nearby shake as Sprig put out his hands in front of Anne. Meanwhile Y/N sat on a branch watching below.

Sprig: "Stay back! It could be a blood sucking predator!" He then picked up a stick.

Y/N: "Yeah, a stick. That'll show them what for."

Anne: "You are really not selling me on this place."

Y/N: "I'm still sticking with nature."

Sprig moved the bush revealing a gourd with eyes, a smile drawn on it, and dead grass for hair.

Sprig: "Oh no, it's an-"

???: "Ambush!"

We looked up to see where the voice came from. It came from a frog latched onto a tree. They jumped off to tackle Sprig and quickly into some more bushes. Sprig stayed on the ground.

Sprig: "I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!"

Y/N jumped down from the branch and crouched down next to Sprig and laid him against his leg. "Talk to me Sprig, talk to me."

Sprig: "I…I see a light…"

Y/N: "Oh no, you need CPR. Stat!" I lowered my head and Sprig used his arms and legs to push me away.

Sprig: "No wait! I'm good!"

Y/N: "I know, I was just messing with ya."

The frog who ambushed Sprig walked out of the bushes letting out a victory laugh.

Sprig: "Hey Ivy, nice ambush. Gourd in a wig, classic."

Ivy: "Heh, can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick."

Sprig: "Well guilty as charged."

They both laughed until Anne started to fake cough dramatically.

Sprig: "Oh Ivy meet Anne and…where's Y/N?"

They looked around and saw that Y/N disappeared in the wind. Suddenly something fell behind Sprig and Ivy putting them in a headlock.

Y/N: "I was behind you the whole time." He then let them both go and ruffled Sprig's head.

Sprig: "And that's Y/N. Oddities from another world. Anne, Y/N, meet Ivy, childhood acquaintance and occasional sparring partner." He lightly threw a punch towards Ivy who casually blocked it and jumped up to kick Sprig in the cheek as he laughed it off.

Anne: "Hey Ivy." Ivy walked up to both of us and shook hands.

Ivy: "Hey, I've seen you guys around. Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?"

Anne: "Not at all."

Y/N: "I do, it's been a while since I fought someone that isn't my wooden training dummy."

Ivy: "That's good to know!" She threw a punch to Y/N's chest but he brought up his arm to block it. He pushed her away and threw a boomerang at her as she dodged it.

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