Chapter 22

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A festival was near Wartwood with the usual food, rides, games, and a bunch of other stuff. Anne, Y/N, Sprig, and Polly were walking around the place.

Anne: "Carnie games. Fair food. Why can't it be like this all the time!"

Y/N: "Cause it's good to spread happiness."

Polly: "Welcome to Grubhog day you two! It's the one day a year that no one works and the whole swamp cuts loose." She motioned to the other frogs having a good time at the festival.

Polly: "It all leads up to a big ceremony where the Grubhog pops out of his official stump!"

Anne: "And let me guess, predicts the weather?"

Polly: "How did you know?"

Anne's "Believe it or not, we've got the same thing in our world."

Sprig: "Grubhog, schmub hog. The best part of this holiday is the vomit-inducing death-defying unforgettable! Rides!" He screamed with excitement and threw his hands up.

Anne: "That's what I'm talking about!"

Y/N: "Yeah boi!"

Sprig: "Well you're in luck my friends because today is your lucky day!"

We ran towards the rides but Hop Pop jumped out of a bunch and blocked us.

Hop Pop: "No so fast kids!"

Anne: "Hop Pop…what's are you doing hiding in the bushes?"

Hop Pop: "Uh…I'm not quite sure myself Anne…" He stood there confused before he shook it off.

Hop Pop: "But never mind that, great news!" Ralphie Underbrook has the plague!"

Anne gasped as Sprig, Polly, and Y/N looked shocked.

Polly: "That's horrible!"

Anne: "Yeah dude, that's bad…"

Y/N: "Harsh."

Hop Pop: "Oh he'll be fine." He waved it off and walked towards Sprig.

Hop Pop: "But now someone has to take care of the Grubhog. And I volunteered you Sprig."

Sprig: "What!?"

Hop Pop: "This is a big deal, the last Plantar to do it botched the job so bad we shunned him." He showed us a picture of a frog. Then he ripped it as Y/N lit it on fire.

Anne: "Botched it?"

Polly: "Let's just say he got hungry…and he ate it."

Anne: "Ew…"

Hop Pop: "Isn't this exciting? You'll have to miss the fair of course but it's for a good cause. Come on boy, do it for the family, what do you say?"

Sprig: "...well I, uh…"

Sprig stood still and groaned as a frog screaming from excitement made the decision much more difficult for him to decide.

Sprig: "Of course I will…there's nothing more important to me than family rides. They're made for dum-sums anyway hehe…"

Hop Pop: "That's my Sprig, I knew I could count on you!" She gave Sprig a noogie and pointed at him.

Hop Pop: "This guy everybody, this guy!" He said joyfully as Sprig looked down in sadness and disappointment.

We went inside a tent and looked at the Grubhog from behind the cage.

Anne: "Ooh! He's so cute, like a little sock puppet!" She playfully wagged her finger in front of it as Y/N was waiting for it to blink.

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