Part 26

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(Filler Story B.T.W. The next one will also be too. I hope you enjoy.)

Y/N's week was busy. He taught Stumpy new recipes for his restaurant, in return he's get a 25% discount on everything on the menu and some copper coins. He helped Felicia come up with new drinks for her tea shop, in return he could have a 20% at her shop and some copper coins. He trained with Ivy while teaching her a few things that she could learn quickly. He helped Maddie with her work and teaching her the periodic table. Then he helped most of the town out with their own problems. And on top of all that he still had to do his chores around the Plantar's farm.

By the end of the week he was pretty much burnt out from everything and was in the basement. He was visibly exhausted with signs of no sleep but he brushed it off and biting down on a cloth as he rolled a metal bar on his legs with great force.

The door to the basement door opened as Sprig walked down the stairs with a plate of cheese and sliced meat. "Hey Y/N, need a snack...?"

He stopped his sentence when he saw what Y/N was doing, much to his confusion.

Y/N: "Oh, thank you Sprig. You can set it down on my nightstand."

Sprig: "Um...I don't mean to pry into your personal life or anything but shouldn't you be resting up?"

Y/N: "Thank you for your concern but I'm fine. I'll be going out later to help get some more rare wood to Loggle's shop."

Sprig: "Hmm...okay..." He walked up the stairs to the living room where the rest of the Plantars and Anne were.

Sprig: "Guys, I think we have a problem."

Hop Pop: "What is it this time?"

Sprig: "Y/N's overworking himself. Can't you guys see the bags under his eyes?"

Polly: "No."

Anne: "Nuh uh."

Hop Pop: "Nope."

Sprig: "Y/N can you come up here!? I have an important question to ask you!"

Y/N walked up the the living room where everyone confirmed that he looked worse than usual.

Y/N: "What's up gang? Aside from the roof, haha."

Polly: "Uh... how's your day been?"

Y/N: "It's been great Polly, thank you for asking."

Hop Pop: "What's with the metal pole?"

Y/N: "Hey, I only came up here to answer one question. If you need me just call me tomorrow because when I'm done rubbing this metal pole against my legs, I'll be going out to collect some rare wood for Loggle. I'll eat something on my way back so don't wait for me at dinner." He walked back down to the basement closing the door behind him.

Anne: "Okay, I see what you mean now Sprig."

Hop Pop: "The boy's in desperate need of some rest."

Polly: "Where? Everyone in town knows to rely on him. He's too nice not to say no to anyone. Except for Mayor Toadstool and Toadie."

Sprig: "Why is he working so hard?"

Anne: "Ooh..."

Sprig: "Anne, if you know something. Spill the beans."

Anne: "Well...when Y/N first moved to L.A. He was being nice to everyone at school. It carried on for a month until it got to the point he couldn't say no to anyone. Because he didn't want to hurt their feelings or end friendship with them. Since everyone in the town isn't crummy to us anymore...he doesn't want to be seen as a monster again. No matter how many times he says it didn't bother him I know he's lying."

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