Chapter 19

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The gang were outside in their stand at the farmers market alongside other frogs who were selling their own foods and items.

Sprig: "Ah, the Wartwood farmers market. Where salt of the earth frogs come to sell stuff and fill up on free samples." He grabbed a jar that said jam and opened it and plopped some into his mouth. He got it from Gentle Jon's stand, he was a giant frog with tattoos on his left arm.

Gentle Jon: "That wasn't a sample…"

Sprig slowly spit out the jam back into the jar. "Now it's like nothing happened."

Gentle Jon pulled out a mace.

Sprig: "I-I can pay for that." He quickly reached into his pocket for change.

Y/N walked over to the stand. "Hey Jon, how have things been?"

Gentle Jon: "A little sleep deprived but aside from that I'm good."

Y/N: "Sleep deprived huh…? I recommend drinking some chamomile tea. You'll be going to sleep in no time."

Gentle Jon: "Thanks. Are you here for the usual?"

Y/N: "Of course. Hey Sprig, what are you doing here?"

Sprig: "I…uh..I-"

Y/N: "Run along now, I'm sure Hop Pop will need your help."

Sprig ran away as I chuckled. "So how much do I owe you for the "sample" he tried?"

Gentle Jon: "Nothing, it's on the house for my best customer."

Y/N: "No, I can pay for it. It's not a big deal."

Gentle Jon: "How about I charge you half for it."

Y/N: "Deal."

Gentle Jon turned around and placed down a crate with twelve jars of jam. Y/N put down the right amount of copper pieces and picked up Sprig's jar.

Gentle Jon: "Pleasure doing business with ya."

Y/N: "Pleasure buying jam from someone who knows how to make great jam." He picked up the crate and walked away. "Bye Gentle Jon."

Gentle Jon: "Bye Y/N."

Y/N walked back to the Plantars stand. Hop Pop was behind the stand, Anne was leaning against it while reading a magazine, Polly was also reading it but from her side, and Sprig was sitting on a crate. Y/N put his crate of jams in the back as he placed a jar of jam next to Sprig without him noticing.

Miss Croaker approached the stand.

Anne, Sprig, Polly, and Y/N: "Morning Mrs. Croaker."

Mrs. Croaker looked at the stand as stopped at a basket and picked up a gourd. "Oh, I'll take this here gangly gourd Hopediah."

Hop Pop: "Oh, I sense a batch of Croaker stew coming on…hmm hang on there Sadie. You don't want that one."

Hop Pop walked out of the stand and grabbed the gourd from Mrs. Croaker. He knocked on the gourd then put his head next to it, listening closely. He pulled apart the gourd revealing some kind of maggot.

Hop Pop: "Ah-ha! It's a gourd maggot. These guys taste terrible."

The maggot jumped out from the gourd as it made its way to the stand. It hopped onto the stand and jumped onto Anne's hair as she started freaking out.

Anne: "It's in my hair! It's in my hair!"

She fell to the ground still freaking out. Y/N grabbed the maggot and threw it into the woods. He helped Anne get back up and fixed her hair.

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