Chapter 30

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The gang were strolling down Wartwood on Bessie towards a trip to the archives. With the mountains clearing up soon. Hop Pop thought this'll be the best way to prepare everyone for what lies outside Wartwood.

Hop Pop: "Now remember gang. The mountain pass will clear up in one week. Meaning, it's almost time to leave this valley and find Anne and Y/N a way home."

Anne: "Whoo! Love that!"

Sprig: "Excitement!"

Polly: "Sights!"

Y/N: "Fights!"

Hop Pop: "And you know the best way to start a quest?"

Sprig: "Danger?"

Polly: "Weapons?"

Y/N: "Animal companions?"

Hop Pop: "Research!" This made everyone groan, except for Y/N who had a wide smile on his face.

Y/N: "Yeah!" Anne, Sprig, and Polly looked at him questionably. "What? I want to get some more ideas for inventions. And I'm tired of saving you guys on reckless adventures."

Anne: "But going in recklessly is the best part."

Sprig: "Plus, research is boring."

Polly: "And dumb!"

Hop Pop: "Oh come on, you three. We'll never get Anne and Y/N home if we get bitten to death by a Venomous Snake Fly. Or eaten to death by a Camouflaged Sod Skink. Or crashed to death by a Sand Liger."

Anne: "Okay, okay, okay. Enough death already. Sheesh. I'm beginning to think you guys are obsessed."

Eventually they reached a large building with the words, "The Historic Wartwood Town Archives" on a sign outside the front door. Sprig saw it and groaned while laying on his back.

Sprig: "The town archives? This place his dustier than Dusty's dustbin."

Polly: "Who?"

Sprig sat up. "Come on. You know, Dusty. Local dust merchant. Friendly, always smiling, sells dust."

Polly: "Oh yeah, yeah. Right."

Y/N: "I usually buy sawdust from him. He's nice."

Anne: "Enough talking about a person. I get this place." She motioned to the archives. "It's like a library from my world. Zoobooks and manga, here I come!"

Y/N: "Engineering books here I come!"

Hop Pop: "Enough chatter, you four. Time to hit the books."

Sprig: "Wait! Wouldn't we be better off preparing by diving headfirst into deadly situations?"

Anne: "Huh. Yeah. Maybe Sprig's right, Hop Pop. Research is overrated.

Hop Pop: "Overrated, eh?" How's diving into adventure been working out so far?"

Y/N: "Yeah, Anne. Go ahead and tell Hop Pop how that's been working out."


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