Chapter 38

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In Wartwood, the Plantars saw a wooden stage being built in the center of town. There was a podium with a banner reading, "Frog of the Year" written on it. Not only that but it appeared that all the residents of Wartwood were there.

Anne: "Man, what is with this crowd? Are fruit flies on sale or something?" She laughed at her own joke.

Y/N: "Maybe some kind of auction?"

Hop Pop: "Nope. Today's the day they announce the Frog of the Year award."

Anne: "Frog of the what?"

Sprog jumped onto Anne's shoulders. "Frog of the hopping Year, Anne. Every year, the town gets together and votes on the frog they thit best embodies the values of Wartwood."

Polly: "We all voted last week. Don't you remember?"

Anne: "Huh. Not at all. Wonder why."


Anne was listening to her favorite music. Meanwhile the Plantars were seen making their way to the front door.

Hop Pop: "Anne, we're gonna go vote for Frog of the Year now. Wanna come?"

Anne: 🎵No, you'll never make me go.🎵

Hop Pop: "Okay, then." The Plantars leave the house.

Anne: "Break it down!"

Y/N was on the couch sleeping through her singing.

End of flashback…

Anne was brought  out by her thoughts when Mayor Toadstool walked into the stand and stood in front of the podium.

Mayor Toadstool: "All right, folks. It's time! As you know, the Frog of the Year goes to the most selfless, noble, blah, blah, blah… Let's get on with it." He opened a letter that had the results written on it.

Mayor Toadstool: "And this year's Frog of the Year award goes to… It's a tie between Y/N L/N and Amne Boonchuy?!"

The audience gasped before cheering and turning to Anne and Y/N, congratulating the two while they were confused. Hop Pop pushed them towards the stage.

Hop Pop: "Go on, Anne and Y/N. Get up there! Two Planters, Frogs of the Year. I'm so proud." He wiped a tear only for it to stick to his finger.

Y/N and Anne are up on the stage, humbled that the crowd continued cheering for them. Y/N stepped up to the podium before clearing his throat and gaining a serious look. The crowd quieted down to listen to what he had to say.

Y/N: "Thank you so much everyone for voting not only I, but also my beautiful girlfriend Anne. Now with that out of the way, Stumpy we're moving the Testy Festy today!"

The crowd cheered as Y/N stepped back and Anne came forward to the podium. "Wow! Thanks, everyone. I don't know what to say."

Mayor Toadstool: "I do. Are you people out of your frog-dang minds?! They don't deserve to host a party!"

Anne: "Party? What party?"

Toadie: *Oh, it's one of our oldest traditions." He pulled out a scroll and opened it. "The Frog of the Year has to put on an incredible party for the whole town."

Mayor Toadstool: "Yeah. And that party is supposed to demonstrate the Frog of the Year's selflessness. Y/N's done various good deeds for the town but Anne isn't selfless. Far from it."

Anne stammered before getting her words together. "You don't know me. I'll prove I deserve this as much as Y/N by putting on a party so big, it'll blow your minds!" That last part echoed as the crowd began to murmur.

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