Chapter 34

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Anne, Y/N, and the Plantars were seen riding Bessie towards the mountain pass, but the only way out of the valley was blocked off by a massive wall of ice blocking the way. Keeping them trapped until it melts away.

Hop Pop: "Well, Anne, I don't wanna say I told you so."

Anne: "Yes, you do."

Hop Pop: "Okay, you're right. I told you so!" He chuckled to himself. "Still gonna be a few weeks before that snowpack melts."

Y/N, who was wearing a bandana around his eyes because his eyes were strained so it hurt to look at anything bright, let out a sigh.

Anne: "But we've waited so long. And getting out of this valley might help us find answers on how to get home. Right Y/N."

To be honest, Y/N wasn't sure if he wanted to stay or leave. He felt free ever since he's been in Wartwood, but the decision hasn't been set in stone yet.

Sprig then shook the duo by their shoulders. "I know it stinks you two, but now about careless mis-adventuring to take your minds off it? I think there's a creepy lagoon nearby."

Anne: "Ooh! Think we'll find some bloated remains?"

Sprig: "Here's hoping."

They both jumped off the cart and were about to run off but noticed Y/N didn't follow them. Before they could ask a question Y/N beat them to it.

Y/N: "Still can't see yet, remember? Go on and have your fun."

Sprig and Anne ran towards the creepy lagoon while giggling.

Polly: "And while they're doing that, I'm gonna check out this scary forest."

Polly hopped off the cart but was immediately pulled back on by the overprotective Hop Pop.

Polly: "But why not?"

Hop Pop: "Cause you're a pollywog. You're  too young to go off on your own."

Polly: "But the other kids did."

A loud combination of screeches and screams were heard in the forest as Anne and Sprig ran back to the cart.

Anne and Sprig: "Go! Go! Go!"

Behind them was a swarm of leeches so Hop Pop got Bessie moving. Anne and Sprig turned around to make sure they weren't being followed.

Anne: "Whew! Who knew leeches could run so fast?"

Sprig: "Or had legs?"

Anne: "Glad I got to see them, though."

Sprig: "Truly a once in a lifetime experience."

Polly groaned because she missed out on the exciting sight. Y/N put his hand on her head to comfort her.

Bessie began to sputter, getting everyone's attention.

Hop Pop: "Oh, shoot. Snail trouble, everyone. Snail trouble."

Sprig: "Hmm. Stranded, eh? Well, couldn't have picked a nicer day."

Y/N let out a small sigh, "You just had to push our luck."

Sprig raised an eyebrow wondering what Y/N ment until a heavy rainstorm started pouring. Making everyone, except for Y/N, glare at the young frog. Hop Pop went to look under Bessie's shell, but was unable to look for the problem.

Hop Pop: "Whoa. Dang it. It's too darn muddy for me to squeeze under Bessie to see what's the trouble."

Polly: "Hey, I can fit under Bessie."

Hop Pop: "No, you stay up there where it's safe."

Polly let out a huff, since she wasn't able to help because she's small. Anne noticed a sign and a large building in the distance.

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