Start of a Mission (3)

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Atsushi and Akutagawa were now out of the room, leaving Dazai alone in the infirmary. He pulled out his phone. His finger hovered above the contact name "Chibi."

He chewed his lip for a few moments before tapping on the contact. He waited nervously as the phone rang. It rang for a few moments before the sound stopped and a voice answered.

"What?" The tired voice on the other end sounded hostile.

"What's going on with Akutagawa?"

"Why should I tell you? You obviously wouldn't care." The man was very obviously drunk. He slurred his words lazily.

"You should really stop drinking so much..." Dazai spoke, knowing he was a hypocrite of his own words. Who was he to talk about drinking less?

"You're not any better. Take your own advice" Chuuya growled out.

"Yeah, I know" Dazai bit back the words 'I can't save myself.' Instead, he asked again,"What's happening with Aku?"

"Aku?" The man laughed bitterly,"Since when are you his friend?!" He raised his voice out of frustration. This angered the younger man, he just wanted answers.

"Chuuya!" He almost yelled. The voice on the other end paused for a long moment. A low sigh was heard after a while.

"It's gotten worse, 'Doctor says he won't make it over 3..."

"3 what? Years, weeks, months?"


Dazai didn't speak. He was silent. He inhaled before cursing. "Shit..."

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Even though Atsushi knew that Akutagawa wouldn't tell him what was happening. It wouldn't hurt to try and ask. Right?

"Uh... Hey, Akutagawa?"

"What, were-tiger." The man spoke harshly.

"What happened?" he asked a simple question, trying to make it easy to answer. He was worried when Akutagawa went silent. He finally spoke up.

"That is none of your business were-tiger. Keep walking" Akutagawa pushed him forward, prompting him to keep moving if the demand wasn't enough.

They continued to the president's office for more instructions.

"What are the instructions for the mission?" Akutagawa said as he sat down in a chair, leaving Atsushi to stand.

"We need you two to check out the port. Get into disguise and check it out."

"That's it?" Akutagawa questioned.

"We need some kind of sneak attack" The president said, a bit quieter,"I heard earlier you were having health issues. Are you sure you're okay to be fighting?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Akutagawa growled a bit. Of course he would say that, he wouldn't want to disappoint Dazai.

"Please go change and we can fix any problems with the outfit" Fukuzawa shooed the pair away.

• • • • • • • • • • • • After Changing • • • • • • • • • • • •

Atsushi had never felt more comfortable in his life. On the other hand, Akutagawa had never felt more uncomfortable in his life.

Atsushi had been dressed with a white hoodie with a gray/white varsity jacket; For his bottom half, he wore some loose, almost baggy jeans, and sported some black converse. "This is really comfortable!" He jumped and snuggled the soft hoodie. Akutagawa finally noticed the silver tag necklace that the were-tiger wore. He looked like a pet at this point. As for Akutagawa, he was dressed in a gray button-up, with a red tie, and a black leather jacket. He wore the previously seen black skinny jeans and black combat boots, which has a slightly thicker heel. (Outfits are in the chapter cover. Art is not mine)

Akutagawa took off the leather jacket and replaced it with his iconic black coat. He wouldn't be able to use his ability efficiently without it.

"Why'd you take it off?!" Junichiro yelped.

"How do you expect me to use my ability with this?" He proceeded to hold up the previously worn leather jacket,"I need more material than this to do some actual damage to the enemy. Also, I need something to cover this monstrosity." He gestured to the clothes he was wearing. Junichiro pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"We made wigs for the both of you because you have... Uh... 'Interesting' hairstyles"

"It's not my fault that my hair looks like this!" Atsushi pouted. Junichiro giggled a bit before speaking again.

"We know! We just-" Junichiro stopped talking when he caught a glimpse of Akutagawa's smile. The man stepped forward before ruffling the boy's silver hair.

"Your hair is ridiculous, Jinko..." He said, making an obvious point. Akutagawa's smile faded, then he continued messing with the boy's hair.

"Hey!" Atsushi slapped Akutagawa's hand away,"You told me not to touch you but here you are messing with my hair!" Atsushi tried to fix his hair back to the way it was before Akutagawa happened.

"Heh..!" Akutagawa uttered a slight laugh.

 (I've been running out of ideas and you're welcome to comment some ideas for the next chapter)

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