"It's- you d-damn it..!" (13)

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"Dazai! You suicidal bastard! Where the hell did you go!?" Chuuya yelled among the people, trying to find where the brunet went.

"C-Chuuya! Don't yell! There's other people here!" Atsushi yelped.

Chuuya only ignored him and kept stomping forward. "He's hiding something if he didn't answer your call."

"Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need to yell...." Atsushi said cowardly.

"Well, I have to yell if we're going to find MR. DAZAI OSAMU!" Chuuya yelled again. Atsushi flinched but followed Chuuya as he stomped.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dazai had snuck out of the store to go to the bookstore that was across the street.

When he entered, the strong scent of Jasmine tea flooded his nostrils. There was a café that was also built into the store. The store was surprisingly small. There were only about 2-5 people in store, including Dazai.

'What was that book that Akutagawa wanted....?'

Dazai thought to himself as he roamed around the bookstore.

'What was it called? Wasn't it called...'

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Chuuya! Look! Dazai is over here!" Atsushi pointed out the brunet when the pair walked into the bookstore. "He's carrying a bag... Did he buy a book?"

Chuuya ignored Atsushi as he marched up to Dazai. "Mackerel!" Chuuya yelled, again, at Dazai. "You think you can just leave me-"

"And me..." Atsushi added quietly.

"-like that?!" Chuuya grabbed a fist full of Dazai's hair. Dazai whined as he endured the pain.

"H-heyyyy Ch-Chuuya" Dazai said in a cheerful, strained tone. "Pulling... M-my hair isn't very n-nice" Dazai whined more.

"It's your fault for leaving!"

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Chuuya, after a bit of yelling and beating Dazai in a public area (and somehow not getting arrested), He finally let go of Dazai.

"What's in the damn bag?" Maybe he wasn't completely 'calm,' but he wasn't yelling anymore. "Did you actually buy a book?"

Dazai pulled out a book from the small bag. "Yup!" The book had a picture of a setting sun on the cover. The land that surrounded it was green grass and mountains. Just like the picture on the cover, the name of the book was The Setting Sun. This was a used Bookstore, so, of course. The book was a bit tattered, and the author's name had been scribbled out. "This was the only one that wasn't completely ripped up." Dazai said innocently.

"You... actually got him a book?" Chuuya asked. It was also what Atsushi was thinking.

"Of course!" Dazai said.

Chuuya narrowed his eyes. He looked upset. "Don't do it... I know what you're thinking...."

"What do you mean...?" Atsushi asked Chuuya. There was always something that Dazai and Chuuya or Akutagawa would know but not him. He wanted to understand what happened in Dazai's past in the Port Mafia.

"Yeah, Chibi. What do you mean?" Dazai's mask was beginning to falter every time he spoke.

Chuuya glared at Dazai before he spoke. "Let's go..." He began to walk out of the store. Atsushi and Dazai followed.

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