Getting Ready (22)

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"You seriously have no idea what you want to do with your last days?!" Atsushi said to Akutagawa as he strolled him through the Agency building's halls. "There has to be something you want to do."

"We've been over several times, Man-tiger. Even if I did want to do something, the Mafia is actively searching for me and would kill me if they saw me. Even if that would be less suffering... almost painless..." Akutagawa almost mumbled the last part to himself.

Atsushi decided to be quiet and give Akutagawa some time to think.

The two had decided it would be a good idea for Atsushi to make up for his missed work. Akutagawa would hang out while Atsushi finished his work. There wasn't much else they could do considering Akutagawa's indecision. It also benefited Atsushi.

It had only been 4 days since Akutagawa was in the office but for some reason it felt like ages.

Akutagawa twisted the door knob so Atsushi didn't have to.

"Thank you, Aku" Atsushi smiled as he wheeled Akutagawa into the office.

Akutagawa covered his face, hiding his flushed cheeks. "I hate that name... and your stupid smile..." He muttered.

"Huh?" Atsushi tilted his head out of confusion. He hadn't heard him.

"I hate that name..." Akutagawa repeated.

Atsushi only looked at him out of confusion for a few seconds before he realized what he was talking about. When he realized, he too, started blushing. "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that!" He covered his face.

Before Atsushi could say anything more, the two heard a familiar voice.

"Atsushi! Akutagawa! Glad to see the two of you are okay!"

The duo quickly calmed and turned to the voice.

"Hello!" Dazai waved at the two when he realized they were looking.

"Oh! Dazai! Hi!" Atsushi waved back.

Akutagawa hid himself away from Dazai. He faced down to his lap instead of up at Dazai. Hefelt as if he couldn't look Dazai in the eye again.

Dazai's cheerful smile quickly faded when he saw Akutagawa. Little strands of black hair covered his eyes. From Dazai's point of view, he couldn't see the dull eyes hiding behind those growing bangs. The only thing he could see was Aku's fingers fidgeting in his lap.

Atsushi noticed the unnaturally long time that Dazai stared at Akutagawa. By Akutagawa's body language, he could tell that he was very uncomfortable with Dazai's staring. Just then, Atsushi decided to speak.

"Akutagawa has been a bit grumpy this morning... Hehe..." Atsushi chuckled nervously.

Dazai slowly turned to Atsushi. "He's always been like that," Dazai chuckled, placing his hand on top of Akutagawa's head. "Glad you're taking care of him." He said before walking into the office.

Atsushi watched as Dazai walked by before following while pushing Aku as well.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

"Can you at least think of what you might do? Staying home isn't very fun, even for me." Atsushi spoke to Akutagawa as he worked. "Could be anything... Just not anything illegal."

"You're 18?"

"Huh? Yeah, why?"

"I want to drink... Nowhere in particular, I just want to drink..." Akutagawa said, almost casually as he rested his head on an empty desk next to Atsushi's.

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