Investigation Situation pt 2 (5)

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Before they entered the room, Akutagawa spoke up. "Keep your phone recording while we're in the room. We might be able to identify people by their voices." Atsushi pulled out his phone, looking around to make sure there was no one watching. He then pressed record on his phone then shoved his phone into his pocket again. He nodded a bit to Akutagawa. Akutagawa nodded back.

Akutagawa slowly opened the door to the room. The room was filled with many of the crew members, all who were standing. There was a voice that came from the middle of the room. It wasn't a person that the voice was coming from, instead it was a phone.

Of course the boss would want to be anonymous.

"Everyone! Listen up!-----"

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They had finally gotten out of the meeting, they had learned that the smugglers were planning on placing bombs around Yokohama. They had also learned what kind of bombs were going to be used. The Port Mafia was familiar with the bomb, using this knowledge, they would get rid of the bombs and get the smuggler groups arrested. There weren't many men in the group so it would most likely be easy to apprehend.

"Honestly, they were setting themselves up for failure. Their only logical idea was keeping the boss out of in-person meetings, but even that, we can figure out who he is." Akutagawa wasn't exactly talking to Atsushi, he was thinking aloud. Akutagawa lifted his head, finally facing Atsushi, "Did you send the video to the agency?" Atsushi nodded, confirming that he did. "Good.." Akutagawa covered his mouth to cough, there were only little splatters of blood, not like earlier that day...

The two walked next to each other in silence. They were waiting for the agency to reply with info on the voice's owner. Finally, Atsushi's phone started ringing. It was Kunikida. Atsushi answered the call.

"The man's name is (--------------). He is not an ability user. We have an address, we're not sure if he actually lives there but it would be good to check. We will send police to the address tomorrow, you two will meet them" Kunikida sends an address, "If the leader is captured, the men don't have orders," Kunikida then hangs up.

"What did he say?" Akutagawa asks

"They have an address on the guy, we're going to check it out tomorrow"

Akutagawa breaths out an exhausted sigh. "Great..."

Akutagawa really hated the idea of staying with the were-tiger but he'd rather not have to walk in the morning. Because of his disease, he could not run, take long walks, or anything that put stress on his lungs or just tired him in general.

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The two head back to the alley in which they had changed their clothes to retrieve them. When they turn the corner to enter the alley, they are welcomed with guns to their face. There were about five men pointing guns at the two. Akutagawa stood behind the were-tiger when the bullets started to fly. Atsushi transformed his legs and arms into their tiger form and sprinted towards the men.

"WERE-TIGER!" Akutagawa shouted at the gray haired boy. He used Rashoumon to eat the space between Atsushi and the bullets, he wouldn't have been able to dodge otherwise. "Idiot!" Akutagawa easily sliced through the men's torsos, killing them instantly.

"I could've got them, and we weren't supposed to kill them!" Atsushi complained a bit.

"My ability is more efficient against bullets, you're not imorta-" Akutagawa keels over, coughing. He coughs up more blood. "D-amn it" he barely managed to utter out the two words before losing consciousness.

"S-Shit" Atsushi muttered, trying to figure out what to do. He couldn't call Yosano, she'd left for a business trip during their mission. The nearest hospital was miles away. The closest place he could take him was his dorm.

Atsushi grabs the clothes they came to retrieve before picking Akutagawa up. Atsushi places one of the man's arms over his shoulder. He places his arms under his knees and his back. It is easy for Atsushi to carry Akutagawa due to his weight and the tiger's strength.

Atsushi carried the man back to his dorm.

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